GROW~G ~STRUCTIONSThis appliancemust begrounded.In the event ofan electricalshort circuit,groundingreduces therisk of electricshock byproviding an escape wire for the electric current.WA~lN~Improper use of tiegrounding plug can result in a~sk of electric shock.Consult a qualified electrician or service technicianif the grounding instructions are not completelyunderstood, or if doubt exists as to whether theappliance is properly grounded.Where a standard two-prong wdl receptacle isencountered, it is your personal responsibility andobligation to have it replaced with a properlygrounded three-uron~ wdl receptacle.his appliance is equipped witi a power cord having “ au .Do not under any circumstances cut or remove thea grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plugmust be plugged into an outlet that is properly thjrd (ground) prong from the power cord.installed and grounded. (Fig. 1)Use of Adapter PlugsUsage situations where a~uliance’s Dower Caution: Attaching the adapter ground terminal tocor~will be disconnected ~Mrequen~ly.Because ofIpotential safety TEMPORARY METHODh=ards undercertain $%$ZL’%E::)conditions, Align Iar ewe strongly ? mIprongsls otsrecommend ~“~~ I ~.-e,against the use rof an adapter e)plug. Ho~ever, ‘ Ensure proper groundif you still elect Fig. 2 and firm connectionbefore useIto use anadapter, where local codes permit, a ~MPORARYthe wall receptacle cover screw does not ground theappliance unless the cover screw is metal, and notinsulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded throughthe house wiring. You should have the circuit checkedby a qualified electrician to make sure the receptacleis properly grounded.When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter,always hold the adapter with one hand. If this is notdone, the adapter ground terminrd is very likely tobreak with repeated use. Should this happen,DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper groundhas again been established.Usage situations where appliance’s powerCO*C~ON maybe made to a properly grounded cord til be disconnected frequently.two-prong wdl receptacle by the use of a UL listedadapter (Fig. 2) which is available at most local Do not use an adapter plug in these situationshardware stores. because frequent disconnection of the power cordThe larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the places undue strain on the adapter and leads tolarger slot in the wdl receptacle to provide proper eventual failure of the adapter ground terminal. Youshould have the two-prong wdl receptacle replacedpolarity in the connection of the power cord. with a three-prong (grounding) receptacle by aqualified electrician before using the appliance.(continued nexrpage)21