2OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.READ ALL SAFETY INFORMATION BEFORE USING.PRECAUTIONS TO AVOIDPOSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGYFor your safety, the information in this manual must be followedto minimize the risk of fire or explosion, or to prevent propertydamage, personal injury or loss of life.Do Not Attempt to operate this oven with the door open sinceopen-door operation can result in harmful exposure tomicrowave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper withthe safety interlocks.Do Not Place any object between the oven front face and the dooror allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly importantthat the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:1 door (bent),2 hinges and latches (broken or loosened),3 door seals and sealing surfaces.The Oven Should Not be adjusted or repaired by anyone exceptproperly qualified service personnel.WARNING!To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injuryto persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions shouldbe followed, including the following:5HDGDQGIROORZWKHVSHFLILF´3UHFDXWLRQVWR$YRLG3RVVLEOHExposure to Excessive Microwave Energy” above.7KLVDSSOLDQFHPXVWEHJURXQGHG&RQQHFWRQO\WRSURSHUO\grounded outlet. See Grounding Instructions section on page 4.,QVWDOORUORFDWHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRQO\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHprovided Installation Instructions.7KLVPLFURZDYHRYHQLVQRWDSSURYHGRUWHVWHGIRUPDULQHXVH%HFHUWDLQWRSODFHWKHIURQWVXUIDFHRIWKHGRRUWKUHHLQFKHVRUmore back from the countertop edge to avoid accidental tippingof the appliance in normal usage.'RQRWVWRUHDQ\WKLQJGLUHFWO\RQWRSRIWKHPLFURZDYHRYHQsurface when the oven is in operation.8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRQO\IRULWVLQWHQGHGXVHDVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVPDQXDO'RQRWXVHFRUURVLYHFKHPLFDOVRUYDSRUVLQWKLVDSSOLDQFHThis microwave oven is specifically designed to heat, dry or cookfood and is not intended for laboratory or industrial use.'RQRWRSHUDWHWKLVDSSOLDQFHLILWKDVDGDPDJHGSRZHUFRUGor plug, if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged ordropped.'RQRWFRYHURUEORFNDQ\RSHQLQJVRQWKHDSSOLDQFH'RQRWVWRUHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRXWGRRUV'RQRWXVHWKLVSURGXFWQHDUZDWHU³IRUH[DPSOHLQDZHWEDVHPHQWQHDUDVZLPPLQJSRROnear a sink or in similar locations..HHSSRZHUFRUGDZD\IURPKHDWHGVXUIDFHV'RQRWLPPHUVHSRZHUFRUGRUSOXJLQZDWHU'RQRWOHWSRZHUFRUGKDQJRYHUHGJHRIWDEOHRUFRXQWHU7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRIILUHLQWKHRYHQFDYLW\³'RQRWRYHUFRRNIRRG&DUHIXOO\DWWHQGDSSOLDQFHZKHQSDSHUplastic or other combustible materials are placed inside the ovenwhile cooking.³5HPRYHZLUHWZLVWWLHVDQGPHWDOKDQGOHVIURPSDSHURUSODVWLFcontainers before placing them in the oven.³'RQRWXVHWKHRYHQIRUVWRUDJHSXUSRVHV'RQRWOHDYHSDSHUproducts, cooking utensils or food in the oven when not in use.³,IPDWHULDOVLQVLGHRYHQLJQLWHNHHSWKHRYHQGRRUFORVHGWXUQWKHoven off and disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at thefuse or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire mayspread.6HHGRRUVXUIDFHFOHDQLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKH&DUHDQG&OHDQLQJsection(s) of this manual.*(GRHVQRWVXSSRUWDQ\VHUYLFLQJRIWKHPLFURZDYH:HVWURQJO\recommend that you do not attempt to service the microwaveyourself.$VZLWKDQ\DSSOLDQFHFORVHVXSHUYLVLRQLVQHFHVVDU\ZKHQXVHGby children.7KLVDSSOLDQFHVKDOOQRWEHLQVWDOOHGOHVVWKDQs above the floorto the bottom of the product. A minimum spacing of 3s must bemaintained between the microwave oven and the sidewalls.7KLVDSSOLDQFHPXVWRQO\EHVHUYLFHGE\TXDOLILHGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHOContact nearest authorized service facility for examination, repairor adjustment.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS