• "Boilable" cooking pouchesand tightly ( losed plastic bagsshould be slit, pierced orvetoed as directed bypackage. Ifflaey are not,plasti( could bm'st during orimmediamly ai_er cooking,posgtl}ly resulting in iqjmy.Also, plastic storagecontainers should be at leastpartially uncovered becattsethey lblan a fight seal. Whencookingwith containerstightly covered with plasticwlTa p, ren]ove coveringcareiially and direct steamaway li-om hands and Pace.• Use lbil only as directed inthis guide. TV dinnePs maybe microwaved in tbil waysless than 3/4" high; removethe mp tbil cover and remmthe wayto the box. Whenusing Rill in the microwaveoven, keep Ihe tbil at least1 inch awayfi-om the sidesof the oven.• Plastic cookwarc_Plasficcookware designed lbrmicrowave cooking is vePiuseful, but should be usedcarefully. Even microwave_safe plastic may not be a.sloleFant of overcookingconditions as are glass orceFamic materials and maysoften or char if suhjectedto short periods ofovercooking. In longerexposures to overcooking,lhe toed and cookwm-ecould igllit e.Follow theseguidelines:[_U_ microwave-sa[_plastics only mad use1hem in strict {ompliancewith the cookwaremanufacturer'srecomtnendafions.[_Do not microwave emptycontainers._Do not permit childrento use plastic cookwarewill]out completesupelMsion.