-...Care and Cleaning*l.@Proper care and cleaning areimportant so your range will giveyou efficient and satisfactoryservice. Follow these directionscarefully in caring for it to helpassure safe and proper maintenance.BE SURE ELECTRIC POWERIS OFF BEFORE CLEANINGANY PART OF YOUR RANGE.Special Care ofContinuous-CleaningOven InteriorThe Continuous-Cleaning ovencleans itself while cooking. Theinside of the oven—top, sides, backand inside of the door—is finishedwith a special coating which cannotbe cleaned in the usual mannerwith soap, detergents, steel woolpads, commercial oven cleaners,coarse abrasive pads or coarsebrushes. Use of such cleanersand/or use of oven sprays willcause permanent damage.The special coating is a porousceramic material which is dark incolor and feels slightly rough to thetouch. If magnified, the surfacewould appear as peaks, valleys, andsub-surface “tunnels? This roughfinish tends to prevent greasespatters from forming little beadsor droplets which run down theside walls of a hard-surface ovenliner leaving unsightly streaks thatrequire hand cleaning. Instead,when spatter hits the porous finish,it is dispersed and is partiallyabsorbed. This spreading actionincreases the exposure of ovensoil to heated air, and makes itsomewhat less noticeable.Soil may not disappear completelyand at some time after extendedusage, stains may appear whichcannot be removed.The special coating works best onsmall amounts of spatter. It doesnot work well with larger spills,especially sugars, egg or dairymixtures.The special coating is not usedon oven shelves. Shelves should becleaned outside the oven to avoiddamage to the special coatinginside the oven.To Clean the Continuous-Cleaning Oven:1. Let range parts cool beforehandling. We recommend rubbergloves be worn when cleaning.2. Remove shelves and cookware.3. Soil visibility maybe reduced byoperating the oven at 400*F. Closethe door and turn OVEN TEMPknob to 400”F. Time for at least 4hours. Repeated cycles may benecessary before improvement inappearance is apparent.REMEMBER: DURING THEOPERATIONOF THE OVEN,THEDOOR,WINDOWAND ~HERRANGESURFACESW1~LGET H(YTENOUGH‘IQCAUSEBURNS.DO NOT~UCH. LET THE RANGECOOLBEFOREREPLAclNGOVENSHELVES,4. If a spillover or heavy soilingoccurs on the porQ~s surface, assoon as the oven has cooled, removeas much of the soil as possible usinga small amount of water and a stiffbristle nylon brush. Use watersparingly and change it frequently,keeping it as clean as possible, andbe sure to blot it up with papertowels, cloths, or sponges. Do notrub or scrub with paper towels,cloths or sponges, since they willleave unsightly lint on the ovenfinish. If water leaves a white ringon the finish as it dries, apply wateragain and blot itwith a cleansponge, starting at the edge of thering and working toward the center.Do not use soap, detergent, steelwool pads, commercial oven cleaner,silicone oven sprays, coarse padsor coarse brushes on the poroussurface. These products will spot,clog, and mar the porous surfaceand reduce its ability to work.Do not scrape the porous surfacewith a knife or spatuia—they -could permanently damage it.The oven bottom has a porcelainenamel finish. Itcan be removedfor cleaning away from the .0continuous-cleaning oven.1s