Installation Instructions[] INSTALLING THE ANTI-TIP DEVICE-A WARNING!• Range must be secured with an approved Anti-Tipdevice.• Unless properly installed, the range could be tippedby you or a child standing, sitting or leaning onan open door.• After installing the Anti-Tip device, verify thatit is in place by carefully attempting to tilt the rangeforward.• This range has been designed to meet allrecognized industry tip standards for all normalconditions.• The use of this device does not preclude tippingof the range when not properly installed.• If the Anti-Tip Device supplied with the range doesnot fit this application, use the Anti-Tip DeviceWB2X7909.A. Mark the wall where the RIGHTEDGEof the rangeis to be located. Be sure to allow for the countertopoverhang if you intend to install the range next tocabinets.Slotted headscrewApprox. 20IAnti Tip Idevice IWallplate IIMarked edge21/8" of rangeJ_JB.Locate the outside edge of the device 2_" towardthe center of the range from the marked edge ofthe range.C. Using the device as a template, mark the positionof the hole for the screw.D. Forwood construction, drill a pilot hole at an angleof 20 degrees from the horizontal. A nail or awlmay be used if a drill is not available.Mount the Anti-Tip device with the screw provided.Forcement or concrete construction, you will needa Z/8" x Z½" lag bolt and a 1/2" O.D.sleeve anchor, whichare not provided. Drillthe recommended size hole forthe hardware.[] INSTALLING THE ANTI-TIP DEVICE(CONT.)WallboardWood screwBack ofrangeInstall the sleeve anchor into the drilled hole and then installthe lag bolt through the device.The bolts must be properlytightened as recommended for the hardware.E.Slidethe range against the wall, and check for properinstallation by grasping the front edge of the cooktopand carefully attempting to tilt the range forward.The bracket should stop the range within 4 inches.If it does not, the bracket must be reinstalled.WHEN ALL HOOKUPSARE COMPLETEDMake sure all controls are left in the off position. Makesure the flow of combustion and ventilation air to therange is unobstructed.CONVERTINGTO LPGAS(or converting beckto neturel ges from LP)This range leoves the factory set for use with naturalgos. If you want to convert to LP gos, the conversionmust be performed by a qualified LP gos instoller.The conversion instructions and LPorifices can be foundattached to the range next to the pressure regulator.Keep these instructions and the orifices in case you wantto convert back to natural gas.44