Wdll Be ThemWith the purchase ofyour” nw GE appliance, receive the wsurdnce that ifyou ever needformation” or assistance from GE, wdll be there. All you have to do is call–toll-free!GEAnswrtinti~80f162E2000Wh;iteveryour qucsii(m ahout ;~ny (;E m~!jor applian{.c, (;E Answer (:enter”infi)t-nliltion selvic.c is ;iv:lilahlc to help. Your c:lll—:lnd your question-will heiillsw~’rt’[1 proinptly :ind C.OUI.IchoUSly.” And y{)u {.;u~ c:dl :iny time’. (;k: Answer(:csnttsr” sclvit.c is open 24 1l{)uIx ii day, 7 d:iys ;l week./tiome RepairSeM==80UMRES(80W2-273flA (;k:(.ollslllllct.setvi(.c prolkssif)n:ll will providccxpcrl rcp;lirsclvit.e,S(.IIL’(lUIL’( 1:11 ii Iitllc’ lll;il’s (.ollk’cllictlt fi)ryoll. MilIl}’ (;k:(:ollSlllll~l. Sclvice(.ollll)illl~<) l)t’l.illt’(1 1()(.;lli()ns ofli’1. YOU setvic.c Iodily (Jr 1011101 .I.OW, 01- ilt }.0111. (.oll-vc’nit’n(.e (7:()() il.111. to 7:()() 1].tll. ~’~~~kdilys. !):()() ii.111. I() 2:()() p.1~1. Silturdiiys).ollr lil(.toty-tl.ilill~tl lc(.htli{.iill~s know your ilpplii~tlt.~ inside ;uld OUt-S() mostrt.p:iirs (.illl 1)(’ Ililll(ilt’(1 ill.jllsl OIIC v i s i t .For fistimem W& SpcialNeeds...80~62&2W0Upon rc’quest, (;k: will provide131-ilillC C.01111.OIS” Ii)l” il v;lricly 01.(;11ilppli:lll(.CS, illld ii 111. (){.11111.t? 10ilSSiSl in plilnllillg ii l)iU.l.it’l--fi.CL.kitt.hc.n li)r pers(ms with Iimitcdnlohilil}’. “I’() ohlilill these items,Ii.ee of.(.llill~C, (ill] 800.[;2(;.2000.(Iotlsunlcrs with impi~ircd he:lring or speech who havei~~.{.~ss to ii TIII) or ii ~.otlv~tltiol~ill” tcletypewritc.r Illily{id] 80(h’I.lll)<;FA(: (~()()~:~f~~~~) 10 l.~[]UCS~inli)t.lllillioll or sclvit.e.Y()~I c.;in lli~ve thc se(.ure fkcling tlliit (;E (IOIISUIIIeI. Selvice will still be thereiific’r yo~lr wilrriil~ty t)xpircs. l>~lr{~hilse ;l (;E (:ont~’~ct while yoUI. warriinty is stillin c’flk.c.t iilld you’ll re[.civc a Suhstiintiid discount. With a multiplc+year contr:lcl,}.ou’re ilSSlll.~(1 of.t.utllrc service ill Lt)d~y’S prices.Pa& andA-orimkdivid- qua3ified to servi m their- apptim User maintenanm instictiona mntained in W guide!n h;lve needed parts or accessories sent directly t.(~ mverp-ed- intended to be performed by any=..leir hnme. The (;F: pii]-ts system provides access to river Otierservidnggen_ *otid be referred to qfified47,()()() p:lrts...ilnd ;dl (;E (Jenuine Renewal Parts are da personnel. Cwtion mwt be =+d, sinmfully w;irr:~nted. VI.SA, Mastclf;;lrd and Discc)ver cards improper servi~gmaycawe tie operation.ilr~ accepted.