Using Your Double OvenYour double oven is designedto give best results in baking,roasting and broiling when usedas recommended.Before using your double oven,look at the directions in this bookfor setting the electronic controls.Then open the oven and take noteof the abbreviated instructions onthe inside of the door. Look at theshelves. Take a practice run atremoving and replacing them.And, while you’re at it, locate thebroil unit at the top of each ovenand bake unit just off each ovenfloor.Oven Interior Lights *The light comes on automaticallywhen an oven door is opened.Touch OVEN LIGHT pads ohcontrol panels to turn the lights onand off when the doors are closed.—Oven ShelvesThe shelves are designed withstop-locks. When you place themcorrectly on the supports, they’llstop before coming completelyout of the oven. What’s more, theywill not tilt when you’re removingfood or when you are placing foodon them.To remove shelves from the oven,make sure they’re cool. Then liftup the rear of the shelf and pull itforward with the stop-locks alongthe top of the shelf support.To replace shelves in the oven,insert the shelf with stop-locksresting on the shelf supports. Pushshelf toward rear of oven until itfalls into place. When shelf is inproper position, stop-locks on shelfwill run under the shelf supportwhen the shelf is pulled forward.Shelf Positionsl@====--,#l-_/._- ,flF6LEach oven has four shelf supportsmarked A (bottom), B, C and D(top). Shelf positions for cookingfood are suggested on Baking,Roasting and Broiling pages.9—