)eep Fat FryingD(> not t~verfill c(>okw~ire with i’zlt [hot nlay spill over when tidding food.”Frc~sty foc)ds bubble vigorously. W;llch l’o(~d trying :it high tetnpcratures.Keep rtingc and ll(~od clean f’r(~ln ~reas~Do not use woks that havesupport rings. Use c>l’ thesetypes of woks, with orW’ith(lut the ring in pt:lce,c~~n be d:inger-t~us. Pl:lc i ng *the ring over the surf:lceu n i t w i t t cause a bu i td-up oi’ he:~t that w’i ] I d;lrn:lgcthe por’celtiin c~)oktop. Dc> not try to use such woksw ittlou( the r-in:. You c(~ulcl be seriousty burned i 1-the wok tipped o}cr.HOME CANNING TIPS(;anning should be done on surt’ace units only. HOWEVER. DO NOT [USE LARGE DtAMETER“(J(s (11:1[ extend beyt)nct I i ncb (J1’ surfticc units CANNERS OR OTHER LARGE DIAMETER.i p p:~n ilre not reconlrllendc’~i f(>r ln(lst suri’:lcc POTS FOR FRYING OR BOILING FOODS OTHERci){lk i n g. tl(~wc\er, when c~ln n i n: w i ( h wzltcl--b:ltll t)r TtHAN WATER. M(Js1 syrup or s:iuce nlix[\lres-prcssurc cilnner, tlirgcr-ctillrllelcr’ pots nl:l) be lrscci. tlnct :It t I} pes c)i’ I-ry i ng-c(~t>k a~ tcrnpcratures nluchThi\ is hcc:ILIsc bc~it in: Wlltcr ternpet”:lt L1l-es (e\;cn higher lll~irl bc~iting w:ltcr. Such te]npeli~tures couldunc]cr’ pr”cssut”c) :u’c n(~l h~ll”!lltu I tt) c(~ok[~)p suri’:lccs e\’cnt Lr21t ]y h~]rnl ttlc cooklop suri’:lces sLlrrC>ll ndi rl:surround i ng the suri’:lcc unit. the su rl’:lcc un ils.observe the Following Points in CanningIJlat-hottomed canners arc recommended.9