3. POWER SUPPLYA! CIRW~ VOLTAGE: This hood must be connectedto a SUPPIYcircuit of the proper voltage and frequency~~ as sPecified on the rating @ate. Wire size must“}.,,.-_ conform to the requirements of the National ElectricalCode or the prevailing local code for hoods of this -‘sting” The rating plate is located on the rear wallof the hood.B. FUSE RATING: 15 anlPS.c.?1 D..unless otherwise specified by local codes, bringa 15 amp 2 wire circuit with ground to the area of tthe power supply connection box.USE OF OPTIONAL TOP POWER SUPPLMl“hepower supply can be attached through the topknockout if desired, but only the top or back knockoutshall be opened (See Figs. 8,9 and 10).Exhaustoutiet connects to 3x” x 10“ rectangular duct outlet has TOTALADJUSTMENT of 1%“ from side to side to simplify duct alignment.NOTE: Exhaust outiet canbe installed as either TOPor REAR by removingdesired knockout. Insert ascrew driver under edge ofknockout. Break tabs and1// remove knockout with pliers.-.Power supplyentrance openings,in top and rear of hood.NOTE: Use of REAR opening Tis recommended FIGURE 10Centerfine of hoodPowerSupply entranceopenings in top 7??”~and rear of hood.NOTE: Use of REAR openingis recommended. FIGURE 8Exhaust outlet connects to 7“ dia. duct,Al. Centerline of hoodCenterlineNOTE: Use of REAR v 1 y,”--lopening is recommended. FIGURE 94. HOOD INSTALLATIONA. MECHANICALNOTE: When possible, it is more convenient to mountand wire the hood before the base cabinet is put in date.1. Take out 1 screw and remove the power SUppl~connection box cover located on the undersideof the hood (See Fig. 13 Model: JV322) (See Fig. 12Models: JN322, JV332 & JV346).1 2. To locate the 4 mounting holes, position the hood) carefully against the bottom of the wall cabinet andmark the screw positions through the keyhole slots inthe hood. Drill 3/32” pilot holes for the mounting FIGURE 11screws in the small end of the keyhole. Direction of3.-+.. movement for mounting%rtially drive the 4 mounting screws so that theheads of the screws extend 1/2” below the bottom ofthe cabinet. Raise the hood against the bottom of thecabinet, making sure that the heads of the mountingscrews protrude through the hole section of thekeyhole slots as shown in Fig. 11. Before tighteningthe mounting screws, attach the power supply cableto the hood. Then push the hood back against thewall and tighten the mounting screws.l7