27Troubleshooting TipsSave time and money! Review the charts on the followingpages first and you may not need to call for service.Problem Possible Causes What To DoOven will not start A fuse in your home may be 5HSODFHIXVHRUUHVHWFLUFXLWEUHDNHUblown or the circuit breakertripped.Power surge. 8QSOXJWKHPLFURZDYHRYHQWKHQSOXJLWEDFNLQPlug not fully inserted into wall 0DNHVXUHWKHSURQJSOXJRQWKHRYHQLVIXOO\LQVHUWHGoutlet. into wall outlet.Door not securely closed. 2SHQWKHGRRUDQGFORVHVHFXUHO\Power Saver button not engaged. 3XVKWKH Power Saver button so it is pressed in.Control panel lighted, Door not securely closed. 2SHQWKHGRRUDQGFORVHVHFXUHO\yet oven will not startStart/Pause button not pressed 3UHVV Start/Pause.after entering cooking selection.Another selection entered 3UHVV Cancel/Off.already in oven and Cancel/Offbutton not pressed to cancel it.Cooking time not entered after 0DNHVXUH\RXKDYHHQWHUHGFRRNLQJWLPHDIWHUSUHVVLQJpressing Time Cook. Cook Time.Cancel/Off was pressed 5HVHWFRRNLQJSURJUDPDQGSUHVVStart/Pause.accidentally.Food weight not entered after 0DNHVXUH\RXKDYHHQWHUHGIRRGZHLJKWDIWHUVHOHFWLQJselecting AUTO DEFROST or AUTO DEFROST or FAST DEFROST.1lb Quick DEFROST.Food type not entered after 0DNHVXUH\RXKDYHHQWHUHGDIRRGW\SHpressing AUTO COOK.CONTROL LOCKED The control has been locked. 3UHVVDQGKROGCancel/Off for about 3 secondsappears on display to unlock the control.Floor of the oven is warm The cooktop light is located 7KLVLVQRUPDOeven when the oven has below the oven floor. Whennot been used light is on, the heat it producesmay make the oven floor get warm.You hear an unusual You have tried to change 0DQ\RIWKHRYHQ·VIHDWXUHVDUHSUHVHWDQGlow-tone beep the power level when it is cannot be changed.not allowed.Before you call for service… GEAppliances.com