Installation instructions[_ INSTALL MOTOR• Align and engage tileslots in tile blowerassembly to tile 3 booksat tile rear of tileexhaust opening.M0iorHooks* Rotate motc)r upwards _o o o r_o ountil it aligns with tile ,__,attachment screwlocation.* Secure tile lIlo[oI" toattachment bracketat tile front of tileopening with washer_tnd" Plug tile motor connector into /_y--_'""'_l\"_:=='-"tile,nati,l_boostco,l,lecto,See/?i,A \• ' . ; 2.41tile llhlstlatlon f}J, the ]lood £__connector location. Touch tile _ )-_hood to locate and make tile /connection. __ _.-(_/ _"_ )IMPORTANT: Hold tile __,_at _£r>-¢connector so tile two square"'_ _-__j_corner terminals are at tile top___myou %--.__position tile connector to plug it in._-_ CONNECT ELECTRICALVerify that power is turned off at the source.WARNING: e ,lot2-wire with a ground wire, a ground must be providedby tile installer When house wiring is aluminum, besure to use U.L. approved anti-oxidant compoundand aluminum-to-copper connectors.ARem0veCusertP0werJunction Box ConduitThru (Cover Strain ReliefandTighten[__ WhiteGround---.__CheckThat White, BlackandGreenHoodWires AreThreadecThruSmall H01ein BracketD UseULListedWire Nuts* Use wire nuts to connect incoming ground to green,white to white and black to black.* Push wires intoj unction box and replace covei-Be sure wires are not pinched. 17_-_ INSTALL DUCT COVERSTo install the 12 "duct cover alone:* Place tlle 12" section of tile decorative duct cover ontop of tile hood.* Secure tlle cover to tlle top of tlle hood witil 4 screwsprovided.To install the 2-piece duct cover:* Place tile 2-piece duct cover on top of tile hood.* Secure tile bottom cover to tile top of tile hood with4 screws provided. See illustration, page 16.* Extend tile inside section upwards to meet tlleceiling and ceiling bracket.* Secure tlle duct cover to tlle bracket witil tlle 2 smallPhillips screws provided.If0-] INSTALL FILTER SUPPORT* Tip filter support into tile rear of tlle hood.* Insert support tabs into tile slots at tile rear oftile hood./ / InsertTabsInt0Slots• Secure tile support to tile hood witil screws as shown.