21About the sensor features. GEAppliances.comTo use the Reheat feature:The Reheat feature reheats single servingsof previously cooked foods or a plate ofleftovers.1. Place covered food in the oven. PressReheat. The oven starts immediately.2. The oven signals when steam is sensedand the time remaining begins countingdown.Do not open the oven door until time iscounting down. If the door is opened, close itand press Start/Pause immediately.After removing food from the oven, stir, ifpossible, to even out the temperature. Ifthe food is not hot enough, use Cook Timeto reheat for more time. Reheated foodsmay have wide variations in temperature.Some areas may be extremely hot.If food is not hot enough after thecountdown, use Cook Time for additionalreheating time.Some Foods Not Recommended For UseWith Reheat:It is best to use Cook Time for these foods:%UHDGSURGXFWV)RRGVWKDWPXVWEHUHKHDWHGXQFRYHUHG)RRGVWKDWQHHGWREHVWLUUHGRUURWDWHG)RRGVFDOOLQJIRUDGU\ORRNRUFULVSsurface after reheating.Reheat1 9(less time) (more time)NOTE: Do not use the metalshelf when using the Reheatfeature.NOTE: Do not use thisfeature twice in successionRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.How to Change theAutomatic SettingsTo reduce time by 10%:Press 1 after the feature pad.To add 10% to cooking time:Press 9 after the feature pad.Potato1. Pierce potato skin with fork and placepotato in the oven.2. Press Potato. the oven starts immediately.3. The oven signals when steam is sensedand time remaining is counting down.Turn or stir the food if necessary.Do not open the oven door until time iscounting down. If the door is opened, close itand press Start/Pause immediately.If food is undercooked after the countdown,use Cook Time for additional cooking time.Potato1 9(less time) (more time)How to Change theAutomatic SettingsTo reduce time by 10%:Press 1 after the feature pad.To add 10% to cooking time:Press 9 after the feature pad.NOTE: Do not use the metalshelf when using the Reheatfeature.NOTE: Do not use thisfeature twice in successionRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.