ReaD aND FOLLOW THIS SaFeTY INFORMaTION CaReFULLY.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS7n Be sure to wipe off excess spillage beforeself-cleaning operation.n Before self-cleaning the oven, removethe racks, any broiler pan, grid and othercookware.n Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasketis essential for a good seal. Care should betaken not to rub, damage or move the gasket.n Clean only parts listed in this Owner’s Manual.n If the self-cleaning mode malfunctions,turn the oven off and disconnect the powersupply. Have it serviced by a qualifiedtechnician.n Do not use oven cleaners. No commercialoven cleaner or oven liner of any kind shouldbe used in or around any part of the oven.Residue from oven cleaners will damagethe inside of the oven when the self-cleancycle is used.SeLF-CLeaNINg OVeNGEAppliances.comOperatingInstructions Care and Cleaning InstallationInstructionsTroubleshootingTipsSafety Instructions Consumer Supportn The purpose of the warming draweris to hold hot cooked foods at servingtemperature. Always start with hot food;cold food cannot be heated or cookedin the warming drawer.n Do not use the warming drawer to drynewspapers. If overheated, they can catchon fire.n Do not leave paper products, cooking utensilsor food in the warming drawer when notin use.n Never leave jars or cans of fat drippingsin or near your warming drawer.n Always keep wooden and plastic utensilsand canned food a safe distance away fromyour warming drawer.n Do not warm food in the warming drawerfor more than two hours.n Do not touch the heating element or theinterior surface of the warming drawer.These surfaces may be hot enough to burn.n REMEMBER: The inside surface of the warmingdrawer may be hot when the drawer isopened.n Use care when opening the drawer. Open thedrawer a crack and let hot air or steam escapebefore removing or replacing food. Hot air orsteam which escapes can cause burns tohands, face and/or eyes.n Do not use aluminum foil to line the drawer.Foil is an excellent heat insulator and willtrap heat beneath it. This will upset theperformance of the drawer and it coulddamage the interior finish.eLeCTRIC WaRMINg DRaWeR (on some models)