THE BASIC REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM 3Rev BTHE BASIC REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMYour Merlin™ Reverse Osmosis (RO) Drinking Water System is awater treatment unit. It uses water pressure to reverse a naturalphysical process called osmosis. Water, under pressure, is forcedthrough a semi-permeable membrane to filter out minerals andimpurities. Clean drinking water goes to the faucet. Minerals andimpurities are sent to the drain with RO waste water.The system includes replaceable filters and membrane elements. Theprefilter removes sand, silt, dirt, rust particles, other sediments, andchlorine from the water supply before they enter the RO membraneelements. The postfilter removes any tastes and/or odors that mayremain in the water after passing through the RO membrane elements.BEFORE INSTALLING THE RO SYSTEM• Best performance of the system will be achieved when theincoming water has been treated (softened).• The water coming into the system must be within certain limits forsediments, pressure, etc. Refer to the specifications to determine ifyour installation is within the limits.• A water quality analysis can be performed to determine if incomingwater requires any treatment. Contact your dealer/installer.• The filters and membrane elements in the RO system need to bereplaced on a regular basis. Follow the instructions for replacementthat are in this manual.NOTE: For optimal system performance, use the system for at least2 minutes continuously each day.WARNING: The Merlin RO system is designed to work without theaid of a storage tank. DO NOT connect a pressurized storage tank tothe Merlin permeate line. Damage to the system may occur if apressurized storage tank is used with the Merlin RO system.