Climate Control DrawerBuilt-In RefrigeratorsClimateControldrawerHow it WorksThe Climate Control feature is a system ofdampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor, a heaterand a specially designed tray. The Climate Controldrawer can be used to chill items quickly, thawfoods quickly or store items at their optimumtemperatures.The drawer is tightly sealed to prevent the drawer'stemperature from causing temperature fluctuationsin the rest of the refrigerator.SELECTTENIP--Use this feature to store items attheir optimum temperatures. The CITRUSsettingwill maintain a drawer temperature of 39-47°Fby cycling a small heater off and on as needed.The PRODUCEsetting will maintain the drawertemperature at 31-38°F by drawing in additionalcold air as needed. The NEAT setting willmaintain the drawer temperature at 27-37°Fby drawing in additional cold air as needed.EXPRESSCHILL--This feature can be usedto cool items in minutes, rather than hours.Extra cool air is circulated throughout thedrawer. Once the cycle is complete, the drawerwill revert to the pre-set fresh food temperature.EXPRESSTHAW--This feature thaws itemsin hours rather than days. Food is gentlythawed in a cool environment by circulatingair throughout the drawer. Temperature ismaintained in the drawer by cycling a smallheater off and on as needed. Once the thawcycle is complete, the pan will automaticallyadjust to a temperature of 27-37°F to storethe food at its optimum temperature.Climate Control Tray--Besides usingthe specially designed Climate Control traywhen using the drawer, it can also be usedas a chilled serving tray to keep foods cold.NOTE:By turning the controls on the ClimateControl drawer off, the drawer can be used asa standard sealed produce pan.CITRUS _ 15MIN • 0.SLBS •How to UseEmpty the drawer. Place the tray inthe drawer. Place the items on the trayand close the drawer completely.Select the Express Thaw,TM Express Chill TMor Select Temp TM pad. The display will comeon. Press the pad until the light appears nextto the desired setting. Use the chart onthe next page to determine the best setting.• To stop a feature before it is finished,press that feature's pad until no optionsare selected and the display is off.• During Express Thaw TM and Express Chill,TMthe display on the controls will count downthe time remaining in the cycle.After the Express Thaw TM cycle iscomplete, the drawer will reset to the NEATsetting (27-37°F) to help preserve thaweditems until they are used.The displayed actual temperature ofthe Climate Control drawer may vary slightlyfrom the SETtemperature based on usageand operation environment.NOTE:For food safety reasons, it isrecommended that foods be wrapped inplastic wrap when using Express Thaw.TMThis will help contain meat juices andimprove thawing performance.Express Thaw TM Express ChHF M13