STOMGE DMWERSFruit and Vegetable DrawersThe storage drawers at the bottom of the fresh foodcompartment are designed to provide high humiditylevels required by most vegetables and lowerhumidity levels required for most fruits.When replacing the drawers, always push them allthe way in.Storage time will depend upon the type of food and itscondition when placed in the drawers.Excess water that you may find in the bottom of thedrawers should be emptied and the drawers wiped dry.Sealed Drawer Unsealed DrawerThis refrigerated drawer is designed to keep This refrigerated drawer is designed to provide lowerunwrapped foods fresh by retaining the natural humidity storage for items such as:moisture content of foods such as: l Apples l Nectarines l Raspberriesl Artichokes l Celery l Lettuce l Rhubarb l Apricots l Oranges l Squash, summerl Asparagus l Cherries l Parsley l Spinach l Grapes l Peaches l Strawberriesl Beets, topped l Corn l Peas, green l Tomatoes, ripe l Mushrooms . Pears l Tangerinesl Blueberries l Currants l Plumsl Carrots l Greens, leafy l RadishesAs in any refrigerated storage area, it isrecommended that foods with strong odors bestored wrapped—foods such as:l Broccoli l Cabbage l Parsnipsl Brussels sprouts l Cauliflower . Turnipsl Green onionsSealed Snack PanThe Sealed Snack Pan retains high humidity for the convenient storage of [meats and cheese, bacon, hors d’oeuvres, spreads and snacks.[H+ fll],