mnstaJiation mnstructions[STEP 1 [ REMOVE PACKAGINGCAUTJ0N:Re{rigerator is m,wb heavier at thetop tbam_at tl]e bottom - be carehd wl]e_ movim_g.Whem_ i*sim_ga harold track, hm_dle H'om side orally.PRU[)ENCE:*,e estpb*s ]om'd e]_ haut ql*'e]_ has. H fimt &H'e prl*de]_t ]orsdes deSp]aceme]_ts. S] m_ diab]e est i]ti]iseS, 1] fimtsol]lever ]e re}JtHg_ratem" sin" ]e citer sel_]emem_t.* ( areh_]]y cm bam_dim_g at d_e top amid bottom,remove ollte]" cartom?o* Slide om back coH_er posts (2).* Slide carto_ off top of cabim_et.NOTE: IT iS NOT NEC_ESSARY TO I.AY CABINETDOWN IN ORDER TO REMOVE SKID!* The m_it is secm'ed to the skid wit]] 4 slottedt] e-dow_ st]:q/s. Rein ore t]]e ii_m" 5/] 6" bo]ts_'om the base cham_m_e]s im_ the tie-do_N_s./* Remove tile [ore" 7/16"bolts secl_rim_g the strapsto the skid.CAUTiON: DoNOT_TTEMPT TO ROI,I,IJNIT OFF SKI[).Rem0 ePRUDENCE:HTieDowns KM_T PAS ESSAVER DEFMRE ROI/I,ER I,E-.." Rt_FRIt;ERATEIJR POIJR_. I,'ENI,EVER DE IAYPAI ,ETTE.• Sui)port blocks on the bottom of the refl'igerationcase must be removed befl>re the refl'igerator istaken off the skid or dan]age will occm', Carefiflly;tilt refl'igerator and slide blocks out fl'om beneath.• Remove toekick, set aside fi>r final installation,• I,ift the refl'igerator off the skid with an appliancedolly, Handle fl'om the sides,[STEP 2] iNSTALL WATER LiNE* A cold water supply is reqlfired fl]r alltomaticicemaker operatiom The water pressm'e must bebetweel_ 40 m_d ] 2(I p.sJ.* Ro_*te ]/4" OD copper or GE SmartCo_ect ''_plastic tubi_g betwee_ hoarse cold water ]]_e a_dth e water co _1_1ecti o_1 ]oca t] oil.* Tubing sho_*]d be ]o_g e_tmgb to exte]_d to die_}'o_t of d_e reIHgerator. Allow e_o_gh mbh_g toaccl)mmodate beard ]eadi_g ]_to the water ]]_ec o H H e C ti o H.NOTE:The o_]y GE approved plastic mbi_g iss_q:/p]ied 1_ die GE Smarff2m_ect rxl ReiHgeratorT_bi_g ];its. Do _(]t _se a_v other plastic water s_q:/p]y]i_e beGmse t]_e ]i_e is m_der pressm'e at a]] times.()d_er types of plastic may crack or r_q/mre with age_tHd caHse _ate]" da_liage to volH" hoHle.GE Smart(2omlect _ Re{_']gerator T_bh_g Kits are2' (.6 m) WX08X]00026' ( ] .8 m) WX OSX ] 000615' (4.6m) WXOSXIOO]525' (7.6 m) WX08X]0025Copper Tubing JShut off the main water supply,Turn on the nearest faucet long enough to clear theline of water.• h]stall a shut-oil' wllve between the iceu]aker waterwllve and cold water pipe in a baseu]ent or cabinet.The shut-ott wllve should be located where it willbe easily accessible.• Turn on the u]ain water sui)ply and flush debris.Run about a quart of water through the tubing intoa bucket. Shut {}tt water sui)ply at the shut-ott wllve.NOTE: Saddle tvi)e shut-otI valves are included inmany water sui)ply kits. Before pro'chasing, makesure a saddle type valve complies with your localphunbing codes.NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts PhunbingCodes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle valvesare illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts.Consult with vom" licensed phunber.11