Contents - Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Revisions in this Manual
- PACSystems Programming and Configuration
- PACSystems Documentation
- Chapter 2 Program Organization
- Structure of a PACSystems Application Program
- How Blocks Are Called
- Types of Blocks
- Figure 2: Block Call with Parameters
- Figure 3: Defining Member Variables for a User-Defined Function Block
- Figure 4: Creating a User-Defined Function Block
- Figure 7: Calling an External Block in Ladder Logic
- Local Data
- Parameter Passing Mechanisms
- Languages
- Figure 12: Illustration of Function Block Diagram
- Controlling Program Execution
- Interrupt-Driven Blocks
- Interrupt Handling
- Timed Interrupts
- Interrupt Block Scheduling
- Chapter 3 Program Data
- Variables
- Symbolic Variables
- I/O Variables
- Arrays
- Reference Memory
- Bit (Discrete) References
- User Reference Size and Default
- Genius Global Data
- Transitions and Overrides
- Retentiveness of Logic and Data
- Data Scope
- System Status References
- S References
- SA, %SB, and %SC References
- Fault References
- How Program Functions Handle Numerical Data
- Floating Point Numbers
- User Defined Types (UDTs)
- UDT Limits
- UDT Operational Notes
- Operands for Instructions
- Word-for-Word Changes
- Chapter 4 Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming
- Advanced Math Functions
- Exponential/Logarithmic Functions
- Square Root
- Trig Functions
- Inverse Trig – ASIN, ACOS, and ATAN
- Bit Operation Functions
- Data Lengths for the Bit Operation Functions
- Bit Position
- Bit Sequencer
- Bit Set, Bit Clear
- Bit Test
- Logical AND, Logical OR, and Logical XOR
- Logical NOT
- Masked Compare
- Rotate Bits
- Shift Bits
- Coils
- Graphical Representation of Coils
- Set Coil, Reset Coil
- Transition Coils
- Contacts
- Continuation Contact
- Fault Contact
- High and Low Alarm Contacts
- No Fault Contact
- Normally Closed and Normally Open Contacts
- Transition Contacts
- Control Functions
- Do I/O
- Edge Detectors
- Drum
- For Loop
- Mask I/O Interrupt
- Read Switch Position
- Scan Set IO
- Suspend I/O
- Suspend or Resume I/O Interrupt
- Conversion Functions
- Convert Angles
- Convert UINT or INT to BCD4
- Convert DINT to BCD8
- Convert BCD4, UINT, DINT, or REAL to INT
- Convert BCD4, INT, DINT, or REAL to UINT
- Convert BCD8, UINT, INT, REAL or LREAL to DINT
- Convert BCD4, BCD8, UINT, INT, DINT, and LREAL to REAL
- Convert REAL to LREAL
- Truncate
- Counters
- Down Counter
- Up Counter
- Data Move Functions
- Array Size
- Array Size Dimension Function Blocks
- Block Clear
- Block Move
- BUS_ Functions
- Communication Request (COMMREQ)
- Data Initialization
- Data Initialize ASCII
- Data Initialize Communications Request
- Data Initialize DLAN
- Move
- Move Data
- Move Data Explicit
- Move From Flat
- Move to Flat
- Shift Register
- Size Of
- Swap
- Data Table Functions
- Array Move
- Array Range
- FIFO Read
- FIFO Write
- LIFO Read
- LIFO Write
- Search
- Sort
- Table Read
- Table Write
- Math Functions
- Overflow
- Absolute Value
- Divide
- Modulus
- Multiply
- Scale
- Subtract
- Program Flow Functions
- Argument Present
- Call
- Comment
- JumpN
- Master Control Relay/End Master Control Relay
- Wires
- Relational Functions
- Compare
- Equal, Not Equal, Greater or Equal, Greater Than, Less or Equal, Less Than
- Range
- Timers
- Timer Function Blocks
- Standard Timer Function Blocks
- Chapter 5 Function Block Diagram (FBD)
- Note on Reentrancy
- EXPT Function
- Comments
- Comparison Functions
- Fan Out
- Negate
- Type Conversion Functions
- Convert WORD to INT
- Convert WORD to UINT
- Convert DWORD to DINT
- Convert INT or UINT to WORD
- Convert DINT to DWORD
- Chapter 6 Service Request Function
- Operation of SVC_REQ Function
- Function Block Diagram
- SVC_REQ 1: Change/Read Constant Sweep Timer
- To read the current timer state and value without changing either
- SVC_REQ 2: Read Window Modes and Time Values
- SVC_REQ 3: Change Controller Communications Window Mode
- To disable the Backplane Communications window
- SVC_REQ 5: Change Background Task Window Mode and Timer Value
- SVC_REQ 6: Change/Read Number of Words to Checksum
- SVC_REQ 7: Read or Change the Time-of-Day Clock
- SVC_REQ 8: Reset Watchdog Timer
- SVC_REQ 9: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep
- SVC_REQ 10: Read Target Name
- SVC_REQ 11: Read Controller ID
- SVC_REQ 12: Read Controller Run State
- SVC_REQ 13: Shut Down (STOP) CPU
- SVC_REQ 14: Clear Controller or I/O Fault Table
- SVC_REQ 15: Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry
- SVC_REQ 16: Read Elapsed Time Clock
- SVC_REQ 17: Mask/Unmask I/O Interrupt
- SVC_REQ 18: Read I/O Forced Status
- SVC_REQ 19: Set Run Enable/Disable
- SVC_REQ 20: Read Fault Tables
- Non-Extended Formats
- Extended Formats
- SVC_REQ 21: User-Defined Fault Logging
- SVC_REQ 22: Mask/Unmask Timed Interrupts
- SVC_REQ 23: Read Master Checksum
- SVC_REQ 24: Reset Module
- SVC_REQ 25: Disable/Enable EXE Block and Standalone C Program Checksums
- SVC_REQ 29: Read Elapsed Power Down Time
- SVC_REQ 32: Suspend/Resume I/O Interrupt
- SVC_REQ 45: Skip Next I/O Scan
- SVC_REQ 50: Read Elapsed Time Clock
- SVC_REQ 51: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep
- SVC_REQ 56: Logic Driven Read of Nonvolatile Storage
- Parameter Block
- SVC_REQ 57: Logic Driven Write to Nonvolatile Storage
- Erase Cycles
- Fragmentation
- Equality
- Parameter Block for SVC_REQ 57
- Chapter 7 PID Built-In Function Block
- Operands of the PID Function
- Operands for FBD Version of PID Function Block
- Reference Array for the PID Function
- Reference Array Parameters
- Operation of the PID Function
- Time Interval for the PID Function
- PID Algorithm Selection (PIDISA or PIDIND) and Gain Calculations
- Derivative Term
- CV Bias Term
- Sample Period and PID Function Block Scheduling
- Determining the Process Characteristics
- Setting Tuning Loop Gains
- Setting Loop Gains Using the Ziegler and Nichols Tuning Approach
- Ideal Tuning Method
- PID Example
- Figure 17: PID Example Logic
- Language Overview
- Operators
- Structured Text Syntax
- Statement Types
- Assignment Statement
- Function Call
- RETURN Statement
- IF Statement
- CASE Statement
- FOR ... DO Statements
- WHILE Statement
- REPEAT Statement
- ARG_PRES Statement
- Exit Statement
- Chapter 9 Diagnostics
- Fault Handling Overview
- Fault Actions and Fault Action Configuration
- Using the Fault Tables
- Figure 19: Detail Information for Controller Fault Entry
- I/O Fault Table
- Figure 21: I/O Fault Table Fault Entry Detail Display
- System Handling of Faults
- System Fault References
- Using Fault Contacts
- Using Point Faults
- Controller Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions
- Loss of or Missing Rack (Group 1)
- Loss of or Missing Option Module (Group 4)
- Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module (Group 8)
- System Configuration Mismatch (Group 11)
- System Bus Error (Group 12)
- CPU Hardware Failure (Group 13)
- Module Hardware Failure (Group 14)
- Option Module Software Failure (Group 16)
- Program or Block Checksum Failure (Group 17)
- Battery Status (Group 18)
- Constant Sweep Time Exceeded (Group 19)
- CPU Over-Temperature (Group 24)
- Corrupted User Program on Power-Up (Group 130)
- Password Access Failure (Group 132)
- CPU System Software Failure (Group 135)
- Communications Failure During Store (Group 137)
- Non-Critical CPU Software Event (Group 140)
- I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions
- I/O Fault Categories
- Circuit Faults (Category 1)
- Loss of Block (Category 2)
- Addition of Block (Category 3)
- I/O Bus Fault (Category 6)
- Module Fault (Category 8)
- Addition of IOC (Category 9)
- IOC (I/O Controller) Software Fault (Category 11)
- Loss of or Missing I/O Module (Category 14)
- Extra Block (Category 17)
- GBC Software Exception (Category 21)
- Block Switch (Category 22)
- Diagnostic Logic Blocks (DLBs)
- DLB Operation
- Executing DLBs
- Diagnostic Logic Block (DLB) Example
- Figure 25: Drag DLB from Toolchest and Drop in Active Blocks Node
- Figure 28: Initialize Local Symbolic Variables
Contentsx PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C9.4 Controller Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions ................................................ 3979.4.1 Controller Fault Groups ....................................................................................................................................... 3979.4.2 Loss of or Missing Rack (Group 1) ................................................................................................................... 3989.4.3 Loss of or Missing Option Module (Group 4)............................................................................................... 3999.4.4 Addition of, or Extra Rack (Group 5) ............................................................................................................... 3999.4.5 Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module (Group 8) ....................................................................... 4009.4.6 System Configuration Mismatch (Group 11) .............................................................................................. 4019.4.7 System Bus Error (Group 12) ............................................................................................................................ 4079.4.8 CPU Hardware Failure (Group 13) .................................................................................................................. 4089.4.9 Module Hardware Failure (Group 14) ............................................................................................................ 4099.4.10 Option Module Software Failure (Group 16) .............................................................................................. 4109.4.11 Program or Block Checksum Failure (Group 17) ....................................................................................... 4119.4.12 Battery Status (Group 18) .................................................................................................................................. 4129.4.13 Constant Sweep Time Exceeded (Group 19) .............................................................................................. 4139.4.14 System Fault Table Full (Group 20) ................................................................................................................ 4139.4.15 I/O Fault Table Full (Group 21) ......................................................................................................................... 4139.4.16 User Application Fault (Group 22) .................................................................................................................. 4149.4.17 CPU Over-Temperature (Group 24) ............................................................................................................... 4169.4.18 Power Supply Fault (Group 25) ........................................................................................................................ 4169.4.19 No User Program on Power-Up (Group 129) .............................................................................................. 4169.4.20 Corrupted User Program on Power-Up (Group 130) ............................................................................... 4179.4.21 Window Completion Failure (Group 131) .................................................................................................... 4179.4.22 Password Access Failure (Group 132) ........................................................................................................... 4189.4.23 Null System Configuration for RUN Mode (Group 134) .......................................................................... 4189.4.24 CPU System Software Failure (Group 135) ................................................................................................. 4199.4.25 Communications Failure During Store (Group 137) ................................................................................ 4219.4.26 Non-Critical CPU Software Event (Group 140) .......................................................................................... 4229.5 I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions .............................................................. 4249.5.1 Fault Extra Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 4249.5.2 I/O Fault Groups ..................................................................................................................................................... 4249.5.3 I/O Fault Categories .............................................................................................................................................. 4259.5.4 Circuit Faults (Category 1) ................................................................................................................................. 4289.5.5 Loss of Block (Category 2) .................................................................................................................................. 4339.5.6 Addition of Block (Category 3) .......................................................................................................................... 4349.5.7 I/O Bus Fault (Category 6) .................................................................................................................................. 4359.5.8 Module Fault (Category 8) .................................................................................................................................. 4369.5.9 Addition of IOC (Category 9) ............................................................................................................................. 4379.5.10 Loss of or Missing IO Controller (Category 10) .......................................................................................... 4379.5.11 IOC (I/O Controller) Software Fault (Category 11) ................................................................................... 4389.5.12 Forced and Unforced Circuit (Categories 12 and 13) .............................................................................. 4389.5.13 Loss of or Missing I/O Module (Category 14) .............................................................................................. 4399.5.14 Addition of I/O Module (Category 15) ............................................................................................................ 4399.5.15 Extra I/O Module (Category 16) ....................................................................................................................... 4399.5.16 Extra Block (Category 17) ................................................................................................................................... 4409.5.17 IOC Hardware Failure (Category 18) .............................................................................................................. 4409.5.18 GBC Stopped Reporting Faults (Category 19) ............................................................................................ 440 PreviousNext |