IMPORTANTSAFE INFORMATION,READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.WARNING!Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.SAFETYPRECAUTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:This reflJgerator must be properl,_ installedand located in accordance with tile Installationhlstrucfions before it is used.Do not allow children to climb, stand or hangon the shelves in the refl-Jgeratm: They coulddamage the refl-Jgerator and seriously iqjm'ethemselves.Do not touch tile cold surfi_ces in tile fl'eezercompartment when hands are damp or wet.Skin max stick to these extremely cold SUll'ilces._ Do not store or use gasoline or other flammablewq)ors and liquids in the viciniP,' of this or anvother appliance.Keep finge_ out of tile "pinch point" areas;clearances between tile doors and betweenthe doo_ and cabinet are necessarily small.Be carefid closing (lom_ when children arein the area.In refl'Jgeratm_ Mth automatic icemake_,avoid contact with tile moving parts of tileejector mechanism, or with the heating elementthat releases the cubes. Do not place finge_s orhands on tile automatic icemaking mechanismwhile the refi-igerator is plugged in.UnI)lug tile reflJgerator before cleaning andmaking repahs.NOTE: We strongly recommendthat any servicingbeperformed by a quafified individualSetting either or both controls to 0 (off) doesnot reil/ove power to tile light circuit.{ Do not reti'eeze frozen toods which havethawed complemly.A DANGER!RISK OFCHILDENTRAPMENTPROPERDISPOSALOFTHEREFRIGERATORChild entral)inent and suffocation are not problemsof tile past.,lunked or abandoned reflJgerators arestill dangerous...exert if they will sit for 'ijust a fewdaxs." If _ou are _*etting rid of xom" old refri_*eratm;please follow tile instructions below to help preventaccidents.Before You Threw Away YourOld Refrigeratoror Freezer:_ke off tile dome.i,eaxe tile shelxes in place so that children maynot easiE climb inside.RefrigerantsAll refi'igeration products contain refi'igerants,which under fe(leral law must be removed priorto product disI)osal. If you are getting rid ofan old reli'igeration product, check with tilecompany handling tile disposal about whatto do.2USEOFEXTENSIONCORDSBecause of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend againstthe use of an extension cord.However, if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutelx necessary that it be a Ui_-listed (in tile UnitedStates) or a CSA certified (in Canada), B-wire ,gr°/mding, t_,l)e appliance extension cord having a gro/mdingt)l)e I)lu'"-,and outlet and that tile electrical rating of tile cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 12(1 xolts.