UNITSTo change the temperature readings from English units to Metric units,press the METRIC button. Units shown on the HOME screen will now readin Celsius instead of Fahrenheit.ICEMAKERThe unit comes with an icemaker installed. The icemaker rate of 9 cubesper cycle will depend on freezer compartment temperature, roomtemperature, number of door openings and other use conditions. If therefrigerator is operated before the water connection is made to theicemaker, press and release the ICEMAKER button on the SYSTEM screento disengage the icemaker. When the refrigerator has been connected tothe water supply, press and release the ICEMAKER button on the SYSTEMscreen to engage the icemaker. A newly installed refrigerator may take12 to 24 hours to begin making ice cubes and the ICEMAKER default isON (check).You will hear a buzzing sound each time the icemaker fills with water.Throw away the first few batches of ice to allow the water line to clear.It is normal for several cubes to be joined together. If ice is not usedfrequently, old ice cubes will become cloudy, taste stale and shrink.NOTE: In homes with lower-than-average water pressure, you mayhear the icemaker cycle multiple times when making one batch of ice.NOTE: Turn OFF the icemaker if the water supply is shut off.SCREENSelect the SCREEN button from the SETTINGS screen to adjustthe BRIGHTNESS of the display and to choose a SCREEN SAVER.For BRIGHTNESS, use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to dim andbrighten the screen.For SCREEN SAVER, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to chooseDEFAULT, SLIDE SHOW, BACKGROUND or OFF.DEFAULT gives a slide show of factory pre-loaded pictures at 10-secondintervals. These pictures are not viewable in the PHOTOS screen andremain even when all photos are deleted.SLIDE SHOW takes the most recently selected photo amonguser-uploaded pictures and displays this one first, then the remainingrandom photos at 10-second intervals for 15 minutes.BACKGROUND takes the most recently selected photo amonguser-uploaded pictures and displays this as a static image.After 15 minutes of displaying this screen with no activity,the backlight will go OFF.OFF sets no BACKGROUND, SCREEN SAVER or SLIDE SHOW.SETTINGS (cont.)WATERDISPENSERB ACKHOMEI CE MAKERMETRICENGLISH(SET TIME)COOLING S YSTEMENERGY SAVERBUTTON T ONESDOOR A LARMSYSTEMT IMEU NITSF REEZERC-18 C3F RESH F OODSUBSTITUTIONSPHOTOSNUTRITION FACTSCONVERSIONSSETTINGS12:00 PMHOLD 3 SECONDSWATERDISPENSERW ATER F ILTER: GOODEXTRASLOCKWATERDISPENSERB ACKHOMESCREENSYSTEMWATER F ILTERR EFRIGERATORSETTINGSWATERDISPENSER HOMEB ACKBRIGHTNESSDEFAULT ENTERBRIGHTNESSSCREEN SAVERSCREEN11Consumer SupportTroubleshooting TipsOperating InstructionsSafety Instructions InstallationInstructionsGEAppliances.comSet Brightnessof ScreenSet Screen Saver and/orBackgroundMETRICButtonICEMAKERButtonSCREENButton