49-60742-4 23INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInstallation InstructionsSTEP 10 CONNECT WATERSUPPLY/RFDWHDQGEULQJWKHWXELQJWRWKHIURQWRIWKHcabinet.• Turn the water on to flush debris from the line. Runabout a quart of water through the tubing into abucket, then shut off the water.Copper Tubing:6OLSD´QXWDQGIHUUXOH SURYLGHG RYHUERWKHQGVRIWKHFRSSHUWXELQJ,QVHUWWKHWXEHLQWRWKHXQLRQfitting on the unit and tighten the nut to the union.• Turn on the water to check for leaks.SmartConnect ™ Tubing:NOTE: The only GE Appliances-approved plastictubing is supplied in the SmartConnect Refrigerator7XELQJNLWV'RQRWXVHDQ\RWKHUSODVWLFZDWHUVXSSO\line because the line is under pressure at all times.Other types of plastic may crack or rupture with ageand cause water damage to your home.SmartConnect5HIULJHUDWRU7XELQJ.LWVDUHDYDLODEOHin the following lengths:¶ P :;;¶ P :;;¶ P :;;¶ P :;;,QVHUWWKHPROGHGHQGRIWKHWXELQJLQWRWKHrefrigerator connection. Tighten the compression nutuntil it is just hand tight.• Tighten one additional turn with a wrench.2YHUWLJKWHQLQJFDQFDXVHOHDNV• Turn on the water to check for leaks.NOTE: Make sure excess tubing length does notinterfere with the toekick installation.RefrigeratorWater Supply HouseWater SupplySTEP 11 CONNECT POWER,CLOSE GRILLE PANEL• Open the grille panel.3OXJLQWKHSRZHUFRUG LIQHFHVVDU\ E\UHDFKLQJLQWRWKHRSHQLQJQH[WWRWKHZDWHUILOWHU,IDFFHVVis too tight, remove the 2 screws holding the waterfilter bracket and move aside. Plug in the power cordand secure the bracket with the original screws.• Check to make sure power to refrigerator is on byopening refrigerator door to see if interior lights areon.7KHWHPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROVDUHSUHVHWDW)IRUWKHIUHVKIRRGVHFWLRQDQG)IRUWKHIUHH]HU$OORZKRXUVWRVWDELOL]HEHIRUHPDNLQJadjustments.STEP 12 START ICEMAKER• The icemaker will begin operation automatically.• Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep of thefeeler arm.'LVFDUGWKHILUVWIXOOEXFNHWRILFHFXEHV7RWXUQWKHLFHPDNHURIIVOLGHWKHVZLWFKWR2))Master LightSwitches ElectricalOutlet AccessBracketScrews,FHPDNHU)HHOHU$UPPowerSwitch