About the additional features.Not all features are on all models.ShelfSaver TM RackUse this rack to store be',erage cans foreasy access.It can also hold a 22 cmx 33 cm bakingdish.Loading the Freezer CompartmentI,oad so that at least 15 mm of space remainsclear between stacks of packages and 15 mmto 95 mm of space between the top of anystack and anv shelf or basket above it.Packages may hang over the front of shelvesbut must remain 15 mm from dome.::J?::Food to be frozen illtlSt ilOt be placedin direct contact with ti)()(1 in storage.If food is to be frozen every day, it maybe necessary to reduce the quantity tobe frozen._: If a quantity of tood needs to be fl'ozen,set the ti'eezer control to its coldest setting._Mter the tood is frozen, reset the freezercontrol to its initial position.::Ji::Food is most quickly fl'ozen on the middlethree shelves of the fl'eezer compartmentand most slowly in the fl'eezer doorshelves.::Ji::Do not store commercially quick-fl'ozentood longer than the time recommendedbv the ti)od manufilcturers.::J?::If the power to the appliance is shut off totan extended time or if the refl_igeratingsystem tails, do not open the doors tmlessabsolumlv necessary. When it is necessary,close them as quickly as possible so thefrozen tood will stay ti'ozen as long aspossible._: The freezer door storage shelves markedwith a two-star label are only ai)i)ropriatefi)r the storage of previously fl'ozen fi)od.Effervescent drinks should not be stored in thefreezer compartment.Freezer PerformanceThis Refrigerator/Freezer has an merall"Four Star" ratillg.Freezer pertormance is classified by starratim,s defined bx ]SO 85(; 1 STANDARDAND SUMMARY BEI,OX,_ :Howexer, these limited areas haxe a two starrating as permitted b) the standard:Models I_ocafion of Og_) Freezer Shelves20, 22 Without i(emaker: All ti'et_zer door shelves.20,22 With i(emaker: All tieezer door shelves andthe shelf above the ice bu( ket.2,') With icenlaker: All fieezer door shelves.CODE®0I"FREEZING-I,OAD TEME(FOOD TEMPEIt&_TU RE)Below-6°C.Beh)w -12 °C.Beh_w -18 °C.Load Limiting Line: _' _On models 20 and 22, h zen ti)od l)acka°es_, shouldnot be loaded aboxe the load limiting line h)cated atthe back of the fl'eezer compartment.