– 9 –CapillaryThe capillary is a very small diameter tube that isabout 6 to 8 feet long. Its primary function is tocontrol the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator.The flow rate of a capillary is determined by itsdiameter and is critical to the proper operation ofthe refrigeration system. If a capillary isshortened, the flow rate will increase. Likewise, ifit is lengthened the flow rate will decrease.Therefore, when repairing a refrigeration system itis very important to cut the capillary as close aspossible to the outlet of the dryer. The capillary isnot replaceable separately.Heat ExchangerThe function of the heat exchanger is to transferheat from the warm liquid flowing through thecapillary to the cool vapor flowing through thesuction tube. The heat exchange occurs wherethe capillary is soldered to the outside of thesuction tube. This arrangement improves theefficiency of the system. By reducing the heat ofthe capillary, the boiling point of the liquid enteringthe evaporator is lowered. Increasing the heat ofthe suction tube increases the density of the vaporentering the compressor and also helps to preventthe suction tube from sweating.GEA01256CAPILLARYCONDENSERCOMPRESSORSUCTION TUBEEVAPORATORDRYER