– 32 –Cooling FanA cooling fan is controlled by the logic board andis located above each oven. On upper and singleovens, the cooling fan is in the rear wall on the leftside of the control compartment. On lower ovens,the cooling fan is located on the right side of theback wall in the lower control compartment. Ondouble ovens, both fans operate together.The fans will begin to operate when the oven isin any cooking mode. The fans may continue tooperate even after the oven is turned off.The fan motor in the single or upper oven, and thefan motor in the lower oven is a 2-speed motor. Fanspeed is controlled by the microswitch on the doorlock: Locked = high speed and unlocked = low speed.The cooling fans have the following approximateresistance values:Single orUpper Oven Lower OvenWhite/red towhite/black 13 Ω 10 ΩBlack towhite/black 18 Ω 21 ΩWhite/red toblack 30.7 Ω 31 ΩAccess to the single and upper oven cooling fansand the lower oven cooling fan require the oven tobe removed.To remove the cooling fan in the single and upperoven:Remove the oven from the installation. (See1. OvenRemoval.)Remove the top access panels. (See2. Top AccessPanels.)Disconnect the cooling fan wire harness.3.Cooling Fan Wire HarnessCarefully move the insulation to access and7.remove the two 1/4-in hex-head screws (oneon each side of terminals) that hold the bakeelement to the oven.8. Grasp and pull the element out from the left sideof the oven by moving the element to the frontof the oven to clear the terminal ends.Note: Upon reassembly, ensure displaced insulationaround oven and components is returned to itsoriginal position.Disconnect(Continued Next Page)