5Design InformationClearances• The downdraft system with blower, motor andductwork will occupy the cabinet below thecountertop and cooktop.7KHEORZHUPRWRUDVVHPEO\FDQEHORFDWHGEHORZWKHFDELQHWÀRRU7KHDVVHPEO\ZLOO¿WEHWZHHQÀRRUMRLVWV2UGHU-;5%IRULQGRRUremote locations.5HIHUWR\RXUVSHFL¿FFRRNWRSLQVWDOODWLRQinstruction for appropriate clearances.• Installation must conform with local codes.DuctworkPrepare ductwork to vent to the outdoors.• Use the shortest and straightest duct run possible.• The maximum permissible equivalent length forduct run is 100 feet.5HIHUWR´'XFW)LWWLQJVμFKDUWWRFDOFXODWHHTXLYDOHQWOHQJWKIRUYDULRXVGXFWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV• The downdraft blower system is designed to use[GXFWZRUN,WFDQEHWUDQVLWLRQHGWRround.• Ductwork MUST be vented to the outside–neverinto a crawl space, attic or other enclosed space.• Determine the need for a wall cap or roof cap.Order the cap in advance.:KHQDSSOLFDEOHLQVWDOODQ\PDNHXS UHSODFHPHQW air system in accordance with local buildingcode requirements. Visit GEAppliances.com foravailable makeup air solutions.Electrical and Gas LocationsPlan the placement of the electrical outlet and gasFRQQHFWLRQV LIXVHG FDUHIXOO\(OHFWULFDORXWOHWVDQGgas connections cannot be placed on the back wallof the cabinet because it may interfere with thedowndraft plenum. Refer to POWER SUPPLY sectionfor information on location of electrical and gasconnections.• Install a standard electrical outlet on the right sideRIWKHFDELQHWZLWKLQUHDFKRIWKHYHQW·VWZRIRRWlong power cord.• The vent and a GE or Monogram gas cooktopFRPELQDWLRQFDQRSHUDWHIURPWKHVDPHYROWstandard duplex outlet.• Electric cooktops must operate from a separateYROWMXQFWLRQER[$HOERZ QRWVXSSOLHG FDQEHLQVWDOOHGRQWRthe inlet of the gas cooktop and route the gasconnections to avoid interference when installedwith a downdraft vent or other cabinetry features.• The hood must vent down or to the left wheninstalled with a GE or Monogram gas cooktop toavoid interference with the inlet of the gas cooktop.