7 Place the blower unit back into the opening.CAUTION: Do not pull or stretch the blower unitwiring. Make sure the wires are not pinched.AFTER: Fan BladeOpenings FacingForward5436ADAPTING MICROWAVEBLOWER FOR RECIRCULATIONC4.20NOTE: The exhaust adaptor with damper is notneeded for recirculating models. You may want tosave them for possible future use.Carefully pull out the blower unit. The wireswill extend far enough to allow you to adjust theblower unit.Roll the blower unit 90° so that fan blade openingsare facing toward the front of the microwave.RollSlide exhaust adaptor to one side and remove it.Remove and save the screw that holds the blowermotor to the microwave.Blower PlateBlower MotorScrewBack ofMicrowaveRemoveand savescrew thatholdsblowerplate tomicrowave.Lift off theblowerplate andattachedadaptorfrom themicrowave.Installation InstructionsBEFORE: Fan BladeOpenings Facing UpDamperBack ofMicrowaveCHECK MICROWAVE ASSEMBLYC3.Exhaust Adaptor (absenton models shipped forrecirculation exhaust)Back ofMicrowave• Place the microwave in its upright position, with thetop of the unit facing up.• The microwave oven may be shipped assembled fortop exhaust (adaptor installed) or for recirculationexhaust (adaptor absent).• If the microwave was shipped for recirculationexhaust, skip to C5. If shipped for top exhaust,proceed with C4.1 2