MicrowavingAdvantium OvenCook By Timeand Cook ByTime 1 & 2Use COOK BY TIME and COOK BYTIME 1 & 2 to microwave food that isnot in the recipe section and at the time(s)you set. The power level is automaticallyset at high, but you can change itfor more flexibility.1. Press the COOK pad.2. Turn the dial to select COOK BYTIME or COOK BY TIME 1 & 2and press the dial to enter.3. Turn the dial to set the cook timeand press the dial to enter.If you selected COOK BY TIME 1 & 2,turn the dial to set the second cook timeand press the dial to enter.NOTE: To change the power levelif you don’t want full power, press thePOWER/TEMP pad after entering thetime(s). Turn the dial to select and pressthe dial to enter.4. Press the dial or the START/PAUSE pad to start cooking.You may open the door during COOK BYTIME and COOK BY TIME 1 & 2 tocheck the food. Close the door and pressSTART/PAUSE to resume cooking.Press EXPRESS repeatedly for30 second increments of microwavecooking time. Oven startsimmediately.ExpressMicrowavepower level(s)1. First, follow directions for COOKBY TIME, COOK BY TIME 1 & 2,DEFROST BY TIME or EXPRESS.2. Press the POWER/TEMP pad.3. Turn the dial clockwise to increaseand counterclockwise to decreasethe power level. Press the dialto enter.4. Press the dial or the START/PAUSE pad to start cooking. You can change the power level beforeor during a cooking program.Here are some examples of uses forvarious power levels:High 10: Fish, bacon, vegetables,boiling liquids.Med-High 7: Gentle cooking of meatand poultry; baking casseroles andreheating.Medium 5: Slow cooking andtenderizing for stews and lesstender cuts of meat.Low 2 or 3: Defrosting; simmering;delicate sauces.Warm 1: Keeping food warm;softening butter. When cooking bacon, layer stripson a plate. Cover each layer witha paper towel. When cooking vegetables,use a microwave-safe casseroleor bowl. Cover with a microwave-safe lid or vented plastic wrap. For frozen vegetables, followthe package instructions foradding water. For fresh vegetables, add2 tablespoons of water foreach serving.Cooking tips23OPTIONSHELPPOWERTEMPBACKCLEAROFFSTARTPAUSETURNTOSELECTPRESSTOENTERFAN MSG REM MUTE TIMERTIMERFAVORITERECIPESMICROWAVEREHEATEXPRESSDEFROSTCOOKOVENWARMPROOFBAKEBROILCUSTOMSPEED COOKSPEEDCOOKOPTIONSHELPPOWERTEMPBACKCLEAROFFSTARTPAUSETURNTOSELECTP RESSTOENTERFAN MSG REM MUTE TIMERTIMERFAVORITERECIPESMICROWAVEREHEATEXPRESSDEFROSTCOOKOVENWARMPROOFBAKEBROILCUSTOMSPEED COOKSPEEDCOOKOPTIONSHELPPOWERTEMPBACKCLEAROFFSTARTPAUSETURNTOSELECTPRESSTOENTERFAN MSG REM MUTE TIMERTIMERFAVORITERECIPESMICROWAVEREHEATEXPRESSDEFROSTCOOKOVENWARMPROOFBAKEBROILCUSTOMSPEED COOKSPEEDCOOKSee the Favorite recipe sections inthe Speedcook section of this bookfor instructions on how to save, use,change or delete a favorite recipe.Favoriterecipes