6WARNING!■ Place food or microwavable containerdirectly on the clear glass tray to cookyour food.■ Use of the non-stick metal tray duringmicrowave cooking will result ininferior cooking performance.■ If you are notsure if a dish ismicrowave-safe,use this test: Placein the oven boththe dish you aretesting and a glassmeasuring cup filled with 1 cup ofwater—set the measuring cup eitherin or next to the dish. Microwave 30-45seconds at high. If the dish heats, itshould not be used for microwaving.If the dish remains cool and only thewater in the cup heats, then the dishis microwave-safe.■ Cookware may become hot becauseof heat transferred from the heatedfood. Oven mitts may be needed tohandle the cookware.■ Do not use recycled paper products.Recycled paper towels, napkins andwaxed paper can contain metal fleckswhich may cause arcing or ignite.Paper products containing nylon ornylon filaments should be avoided,as they may also ignite.■ Use foil only as directed in this manual.When using foil in the oven, keep thefoil at least 1″ away from the sides ofthe oven.■ Do not use the oven to dry newspapers.■ If you use a meat thermometer whilecooking, make sure it is safe for usein microwave ovens.■ Some styrofoam trays (like those thatmeat is packaged on) have a thin strip ofmetal embedded in the bottom. Whenmicrowaved, the metal can burn thefloor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.■ Paper towels, waxed paper and plasticwrap can be used to cover dishes inorder to retain moisture and preventspattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrapso steam can escape.■ Not all plastic wrap is suitable for usein microwave ovens. Check the packagefor proper use.■ “Boilable” cooking pouches and tightlyclosed plastic bags should be slit,pierced or vented as directed bypackage. If they are not, plastic couldburst during or immediately aftercooking, possibly resulting in injury.Also, plastic storage containers shouldbe at least partially uncovered becausethey form a tight seal. When cookingwith containers tightly covered withplastic wrap, remove covering carefullyand direct steam away from handsand face.■ Plastic cookware—Plastic cookwaredesigned for microwave cooking is veryuseful, but should be used carefully.Even microwave-safe plastic may not beas tolerant of overcooking conditionsas are glass or ceramic materials andmay soften or char if subjected to shortperiods of overcooking. In longerexposures to overcooking, the foodand cookware could ignite.Follow these guidelines:1. Use microwave-safe plastics onlyand use them in strict compliancewith the cookware manufacturer’srecommendations.2. Do not microwave empty containers.3. Do not permit children to use plasticcookware without complete supervision.Microwave-safecookwareThe turntable mustalways be in place whenusing the oven.The clear glass trayshould always be inplace whenmicrowaving.Make sure to use suitable cookware during microwave cooking. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes,measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim orglaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled “suitable for microwaving.”Advantium OvenIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSHow to test for amicrowave-safe dish.