– 32 –QuickFreeze™ Fan MotorA 12-VDC motor is mounted in front of the freezerevaporator cover. The fan motor and fan housingare replaced as a complete assembly.When activated (See Control Features), theQuickFreeze™ fan circulates freezer air directlyonto food placed on the aluminum tray. Food canbe frozen up to 2 times faster, reducing moistureloss when food is thawed. A constant 13.6 VDC isprovided to the fan from the main control board.For testing, the motor can be run for short periodsusing a 9-volt battery. Observe circuit polarity.Connect the red wire to the positive (+) batteryterminal and the remaining wire to the negative (-)battery terminal.BLACKBLACK/WHITEBLUE (RPM)BLUE/WHITE (MODEL)REDWHEN APPLICABLEWHEN APPLICABLEJ3-1J2-8J2-7J2-6J2-5J2-4J2-3J2-2J2-1J3-3REDREDFF FAN CC FANTANBLACK/WHITEYELLOWQUICK FREEZEFANFZ COMPARTMENTEVAP. FANCOND. FANYELLOWREDWHITEREDYELLOWBLUEWHITEYELLOWYELLOW/BLACKWHITE/SILVER (COMM)+12V REDRED/YELLOWBCFANMAIN CONTROL BOARDCondenser FanThe fan is mounted in the machine compartmentwith the no-clean condenser. The fan and fanshroud are mounted on one end of the condenser,and the other end of the condenser is blocked.When the fan is operating, air is pulled from thecenter of the condenser, drawing air in through thecoils. The air is then exhausted over the compressorand out the right side of the refrigerator.Inlet air is available through the left front and leftrear of the machine compartment. A rubber dividerstrip underneath the refrigerator divides the inletand outlet sides of the machine compartment.RearFrontDivider StripHousingFanMotor0.375"1/2"Air Flow0.50" ± 0.05"BracketThe rear access cover must be tightly fitted toprevent air from being exhausted directly out of therear of the machine compartment, bypassing thecompressor.