Chapter 1. IntroductionGFK-2737F December 2016 91.5 PROFINET Redundant MediaFor a full discussion of PROFINET Redundant Media and interactions with the controlling RX3i CPU, refer toChapter 6 of the PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller User Manual, GFK-2571. The following topics arecovered: PROFINET Media Redundancy Protocol MRP Failover Performance Bumpless Operation with MRP MRP Operation for I/O Update Rates of 16ms or Greater MRP Operation at I/O Update Rates Less Than 16ms Minimum I/O Rate When Configured in an MRP Ring Minimum I/O Update Rates for Bumpless Operation in a Ring Topology Third-party MRP Manager Use with PNC as MRP Client Ring Topology with One Controller Ring Topology with Multiple Controllers Setting Up Media Redundancy Protocol Media Redundancy Setup for a PROFINET I/O Controller Sequence for Enabling Media Redundancy Sequence for Replacing a Media Redundancy Manager Procedure for Disabling Media Redundancy