49-80746-1 9Selecting Cooktop SettingsUSING THE COOKTOP:$GMXVW%XUQHU6L]H6HOHFWLQJ&RRNWRS6HWWLQJV&KRRVHWKHHOHPHQWEXUQHUWKDWLVEHVWILWWRWKHFRRNZDUHVL]H(DFKHOHPHQWEXUQHURQ\RXUQHZcooktop has its own power levels ranging from low toKLJK3RZHUOHYHOVHWWLQJVQHFHVVDU\IRUFRRNLQJZLOOYDU\depending on the cookware being used, the type andquantity of food, and the desired outcome. In generaluse lower settings for melting, holding and simmeringand use higher settings for heating quickly, searingand frying. When keeping foods warm confirm selectedsetting is sufficient to maintain food temperature above140°F. Larger elements and elements marked “KeepWarm” are not recommended for melting.Hi is the highest power level, designed for large quantityrapid cooking and boiling. Hi will operate for a maximumof 10 minutes. Hi may be repeated after the initial 10minute cycle by pressing the + pad.CAUTION 'RQRWSODFHDQ\FRRNZDUHXWHQVLOVRUleave excess water spills on control key pads. This mayresult in unresponsive touch pads and turning off thecooktop if present for several seconds.Hi boiling quicklyfryingsearingreducingsimmeringholdingmeltingLowAdjust Burner SizeThe burner ring size is adjustable on some elements. The ring size can be selected by pressing the burner ring graphic.Single Surface Element 'XDO6XUIDFH(OHPHQW Tri-Ring Surface Element