WORTANT SAFEH ~STRUCmONSRead W htmctiom before King t~ apptimce. L1lA WARNIN+when using thisappliance, always exercise basic safetyprecautions, including the following:l Use this appliance only for its intended purposeas described in this Use and Care Guide,l This refrigerator must be properlyL<:$,. instiied and located in accordance. . . _ with the Installation Instructionsbefore it is used. If you did not receivean Installation kstructions sheet withyour refrigerator, you can obtain one bycalling, toll free, the GE Answer Center:800,626.2000.* Never unplug your refrigeratorby pulling on the power cord. Alwaysgrip plug firmly and pull straight outfrom the outlet.l Repair or replace immediately dl electricservice cords that have become frayed orotherwise damaged, Do not use a cord thatshows cracks or abrasion damage along its lengthor at either the plug or connector end,l When moving your refrigerator away fromthe waM, be careful not to roll over or damagethe power cord.l Do not tiow children to climb, stand orhang on the shelves in the refrigerator. Theycodd damage the refrigerator and seriouslyinjure themselves.al H your old refrigerator is still aroundthe house but not in use, be sure toremove the doors. This will reduce thepossibility of danger to children.* After your refrigerator is in operation, donot touch the cold surfaces in the freezercompartment, partic~arly when handsare damp or wet Skin may adhere to theseextremely cold surfaces.* Do not place fingers or hands on the automaticicemating mechanism while the refrigerator isplugged in. This will prevent contact with themoving parts of the ejector mechanism, or withthe heating element that releases the cubes,l Don’t refreeze frozen foods which havethawed completely. The United StatesDepartment of Agriculture in Home and GardenBulletin No, 69 says:“.. .You may safeIy refreeze frozen foods thathave thawed if they still contain ice crystals or ifthey are still cold—below 40°F.“.. .Thawed ground meats, poult~ or fish thathave any off-odor or off-color should not berefrozen and should not be eaten. Thawed icecream should be discarded. If the odor or colorof any food is poor or questionable, get rid of it,The food may be dangerous to eat.“Even partial thawing and refreezing reduces theeating quality of foods, particularly fruits,vegetables and prepared foods. The eating qualityof red meat is affected less than that of many oth~rfoods. Use refrozen foods as soon as possible tosave as much of their eating quality as you can.”l Unplug your refrigerator beforecleaning and making repairs, NOTE:We strongly recommend that any servicingbe performed by a qualified individual.l Before replacing a burned~ut tight bdb, unplugthe refrigerator or turnoff the power at thecircuit breaker or fuse box in order to avoidcontact with a live wire fihunent. (A burned-outlight bulb may break when being replaced.)NOTE: Turning control to OFF position does notremove power to the light circuit.l Do not store or use gasoline or other flammabl~vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or anyother appliance,SAW T~SE~STRUCTIONS3