Light BulbReplacementIn Fresh Food Compartment1. Unplug refrigeratc~r.2. To align the control knobproperly, note positiotl ofnumbered contro] for propel”reassembly and pLlll off knob.GroovedRetainer-one on eachside / I3. Pull bottom oi’ ]igh[ pane] downabOLlt ]/~”-] uSI enough [0disengage 1 ij at rear from groo~’e~in retainers on rear wal 1.4. Lift panel to disengage top frompins on side malls: remokre panel.After replacing with wttne sizebulb, reinstall panel (hang top (Jnpins; pull bottom down. pLIsh itback and release it to let 1 ip engagegrooves” i n retainers). Rtp 1 :ICCtemperature control knob in OFFposition, turn it to previoLls setting.and plug refrigerator back in.In Freezer Compartment1. Unplug refrigerator.2. Remove shcl~’just below’ lightshield. (Shelf_ will be easier toremove if it is emptied first. )3. Pull plastic light shield towardyou. (It will bend to f7ee tabs fromgrooves. )When You Go OnVacationFor extended vacations orabsences, shut off power toref’rigel”atOr. tLII”n the nLlmberedcontrol to OFF position, and cleaninterior with baking soda solution(d’ one tablespoon of foda to onequart of water. Wipe dry. To prck’entodor~. lcaIe open box Of soda inrei ri:erator. Lea\ e d(xlrs (Jpen.For shorter vacations, removepcriihable foods and ]eave controlsat reg Ll 1 ar settings. However. if’room temperature is expected todrop below 60 C’F., follow sameiIIStI-LICti O[l\ aS fol” eXtended\ acat ions.,Mo\e icemaker f’eeler arm toSTOP position and be sure to shutoil water sLIpply to the refrigerator.When You MoveDisconnect povcr cord from walloL]tlet, remove all food, and cleanand dry the interior.Secure all loose items such asCTri lleq shelves and storage pa[~s by>tLlpill: them secLu-ely in place topl-e\’cnt damage.Be sure refrigerator stays inullri,yht )x)sition during actualmoving and in van. Refrigeratormu~t be secL~red in van to preventmovement. Protect outside ofrcfri:erator with blanket.Water filteraccessoryThe perfect companion toyour automatic icemaker—a water f’ilterYoLu- ice cL1bes can onlybe as flesh-tasting as thewater that pI”odLIces them.Tha[’s why it’s a goodidea to purify yOLU- waterwith a water i-i lter.lts activated (hat-coalremoies mLIS .y. staleodors and Lmp[easantmedicinal. mcttill ictastes. A porous fibercartridge catches dirt,I-LISt particles, vmd andsilt while special crystalsredLlce deposits of hardscale.The water filter- is an option at extracost and is available from your GEdealer. Specify WR97X02 14. It hascomplete installation instructionsand installs in minutes on 1/4” O. I’copper water I inc.After replacing with same sizebulb, reinstall shield and shelf andplug refrigerator back in.1’4