IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSRead all instructions before using this appliance.WARNING—When using thisappliance, always exercise basicsafety precautions, including thefollowing:l Use this appliance only for itsintended purpose, as you willfind described in this Use andCare Book.l This dishwasher must beproperly installed and locatedin accordance with theInstallation Instructions beforeit is used. If you did not receivean Installation Instructions sheetwith your dishwasher, you canobtain one by contacting theservice location nearest you.—This appliance must beconnected to a grounded metal,permanent wiring system; or anequipment-grounding conductormust be run with the circuitconductors and connected to theequipment-grounding terminal orlead of the appliance.—Connect to a properly rated,protected and sized power-supplycircuit to avoid electricaloverload.l Do not store or usecombustible materials, gasolineor other flammable vapors andliquids in the vicinity of this orany other appliance.l Use only powder or liquiddetergents or wetting agentsrecommended for use in adishwasher.l Do not wash plastic items unlessmarked “dishwasher safe” or theequivalent. For plastic items not somarked, check the manufacturer’srecommendations.l Load light plastic items so theywill not become dislodged anddrop to the bottom of thedishwasher—they might comeinto contact with the heating unitand be damaged.To minimize the possibilityof injury.l When loading items to bewashed:A. Locate sharp items so thatthey are not likely to damagethe door seal, andB. Load sharp knives with thehandles up to reduce the riskof cut-type injuries.l Do not touch the heatingelement during or immediatelyafter use.l Do not operate your dishwasherunless all enclosure panels areproperly in place.l Do not tamper with controls.l Do not abuse, sit on, or stand onthe door or dish rack of thedishwasher.Q Close supervision is necessaryif this appliance is used by ornear children. Do not allowchildren to play inside, on or withthis appliance or any discardedappliance. Dispose of discardedappliances and shipping orpacking material properly. Beforediscarding a dishwasher, removethe door of the washingcompartment.l Keep all washing detergentsand wetting agents out of thereach of children, preferably in alocked cabinet. Observe allwarnings on container labels toavoid personal injury.l To minimize the possibility ofelectric shock, disconnect thisappliance from the power supplybefore attempting anymaintenance.Note: Turning the control dial tothe 0~ position does notdisconnect the appliance from thepower supply. We recommendhaving a qualified technicianservice your appliance.WARNIN&~DROGEN GASis produced by the chemicalaction within your water heater.It can accumulate in the waterheater antior water pipes if hotwater has not been used for aperiod of two weeks or longer.HYDROGEN GAS ISEXPLOSIVE. To prevent thepossibility of damage or injury,if you have not used hot waterfor two weeks or more, ormoved into a residence in whichthe hot water system may nothave been used for some time,turn on all hot water faucets andallow them to mn for severalminutes before using anyelectrical appliance which isconnected to the hot watersystem. This will allow anyhydrogen gas to escape. Also,since the gas is flammable, donot smoke or use an open flameor appliance during this process.SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS3