GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONSPo:.This appliance must be grounded.In the event of an electrical shortcircuit, grounding reducesthe riskof electric shockby providing anescape wire forthe electric current.This applianceis equipped with apower cord havinga groundingwire with a grounding plug. Theplug must be plugged into an outletthat is properly installed andgrounded. (Fig. 1)W A R N I N G - I m p r o p e ruse of the grounding plug can resultin a risk of electric shock.PREFERREDMETHODINSURE PROPERGROUND EXISTSFig. 1 BEFORE USE,p+c Consult a qualified electrician orservice technician if the groundinginstructions are not completelyunderstood, or if doubt exists as towhether the appliance is properlygrounded.Where a standard two-prong wallreceptacle is encountered. it isyour personal responsibility andobligation to have i t replaced witha properly grounded three-prongwall receptacle.Do not under any circumstancescut or remove the third (ground)prong from the power cord.'C-' *Use of Adapter PlugsUsage situations whereappliance's power cordwillbe disconnected infrequently.Because of potential safety hazardsunder certain conditions, westrongly recommend against theuse of an adapterplug. However,if you still elect to use an adapter,where local codes permit,aTEMPORARY CONNECI'IONmay be made toa properly groundedtwo-prong wall receptacle by the useof a UL listed adapter (Fig.2)which is available at most localhardware stores.TEMPORARY METHOD 1The larger slot in the adapter mustbe aligned with the larger slotin thewall receptacle to provide properpolarity in the connection ofthepower cord.Caution: Attaching the adapterground terminal to the wallreceptacle cover screw does notground the appliance unless thecover screw is metal. and notinsulated, and the wall receptacleis grounded through the housewiring. You should have the circuitchecked by a qualified electricianto make sure the receptacle isproperly grounded.When disconnecting the powercord from the adapter, always holdthe adapter with one hand. If thisis not done, the adapter groundterminal is very likely to break withrepeated use. Should this happen.DO NOT USE the appliance untila proper ground has again beenestablished.Usage situationswhereappliance's power cordwillbe disconnected frequently.Do not use an adapter plugin thesesituations because disconnecting ofthe power cord places undue strainon the adapter and leads to eventualfailure of theadapter ground terminal.You should have the two-prong wallreceptacle replaced with a three-prong (grounding) receptacle by aqualified electrician before usingthe appliance.Use of Extension CordsBecause of potential safety hazardsundercertain conditions, we stronglyrecommend against the use otanextension cord. However, if it isnecessary to use an extension cord.use only a 3-wire extension cordthat has a 3-blade grounding plug.and a 3-slot receptacle that willaccept the plug on the appliance.The marked rating of the extensioncord shall be equal to or greaterthan the elcctrical rating oftheappliance (I5 amperes).Such extension cords are obtainablethrough General Electric service.If you do use anextension cordwith your microwaveoven, theinterior light may flicker and theblower sound may vary when ovenis in use. Cook times may be longeras well.19