CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPT60 TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1115The digital state can be entered locally (by directly pressing the front panel pushbutton) or remotely (via FlexLogicoperands) into FlexLogic equations, protection elements, and control elements. Typical applications include breakercontrol, autorecloser blocking, and setting groups changes. The user-programmable pushbuttons are under the controllevel of password protection.The figure shows user-configurable pushbuttons for the enhanced front panel.Figure 5-47: User-programmable pushbuttons (enhanced front panel)The following figure shows user-configurable pushbuttons for the standard front panel.Figure 5-48: User-programmable pushbuttons (standard front panel)Both the standard and enhanced front panel pushbuttons can be custom labeled with a factory-provided template,available online at The EnerVista software can also be used to create labels forthe enhanced front panel.Each pushbutton asserts its own “On” and “Off” FlexLogic operands (for example, PUSHBUTTON 1 ON and PUSHBUTTON 1 OFF).These operands are available for each pushbutton and are used to program specific actions. If any pushbutton is active,the ANY PB ON operand is asserted.Each pushbutton has an associated LED indicator. By default, this indicator displays the present status of thecorresponding pushbutton (on or off). However, each LED indicator can be assigned to any FlexLogic operand through thePUSHBTN 1 LED CTL setting.The activation and deactivation of user-programmable pushbuttons depends on whether latched or self-reset mode isprogrammed.• Latched mode — In latched mode, a pushbutton can be set (activated) by asserting the operand assigned to thePUSHBTN 1 SET setting or by directly pressing the associated front panel pushbutton. The state of each pushbutton isstored in non-volatile memory and maintained through a loss of control power.The pushbutton is reset (deactivated) in latched mode by asserting the operand assigned to the PUSHBTN 1 RESETsetting or by directly pressing the active front panel pushbutton.It can also be programmed to reset automatically through the PUSHBTN 1 AUTORST and PUSHBTN 1 AUTORST DELAYsettings. These settings enable the autoreset timer and specify the associated time delay. The autoreset timer can beused in select-before-operate (SBO) breaker control applications, where the command type (close/open) or breakerlocation (feeder number) must be selected prior to command execution. The selection must reset automatically ifcontrol is not executed within a specified time period.• Self-reset mode — In self-reset mode, a user-programmable pushbutton can be set (activated) by asserting theoperand assigned to the PUSHBTN 1 SET setting or by pressing the front panel pushbutton. A pushbutton remainsactive for the time it is pressed plus the dropout time specified in the PUSHBTN 1 DROP-OUT TIME setting. If thepushbutton is activated via FlexLogic, the pulse duration is specified by the PUSHBTN 1 DROP-OUT TIME only. The timethe operand assigned to the PUSHBTN 1 SET setting remains On has no effect on the pulse duration.