Refer to the disassembly diagram and changethe door hinges in the fo~owing procedure.The numbers in the diagram indicate theprocedure order in the instructions.1. Remove the hinge cap by twisting it off.2. Remove the upper hexagonal head screws.The freezer door can now be removed.3. Remove the middle hexagonal head screws.The refrigerator door can now be removed.Tilt the refrigerator back or ky it on its backfor steps 4,5, and 6. Use a pad or blanket toprotect the floor and to avoid scratching thepainted fish.4. Remove the levefing legs by turning themcounterclockwise. Remove the lower hexagonalhead screws, two on the hinge side and one nearthe front corner of the other side.5. Attach the left side leg and leg spacer to tieother side hole which was positionedsymmetridy.6. Attach the bottom hinge symrnetric~y to theother side of the cabinet7. Remove the upper hinge plastic pins andhsert them in the holes from which the screwswere removed in Procedure 2.8. Remove the middle hinge plastic cover andscrew. Insert the cover in the hole from whichthe screws were removed in Procedure 3.9. Take off the hinge coUar caps using ascrewdriver and insert them in the hinge co~arson the opposite side.10. Remove both screws for each of the doorhandles. Remove the plastic pins on the otherside of the doors and hsert them in the holesmade by removing the handles. Rotate thehandles 180! The refrigerator door handle nowbecomes the freezer door handle and vice versa.Attach the handles to the doors using the screwsand the holes from which the plastic pins wereremoved.11. Remove the freezer door hinge stopper andthe hinge stopper screw and instil them in theother side of the door.12. Remove the refrigerator door hinge stopperand ins~ it in the other side of the door.13. Attach the refrigerator door to the bottomhinge.14. Rotate the rnidde hinge 180! Attach it to therefrigerator door with the spacer and secure it witha screw. @o not tighten the screw complete~.)CA~ON: Door gasket may rub or interfere withmidde hinge. Hthis happens, remove washers onbottom hinge, one at a time unti there is nointerference.A*L15. Attach the upper hinge to the freezer door.Attach the freezer door to the middle hinge anduse the screw to attach the upper hinge andspacer. @o not tighten the screw completely)16. The direction in which the doors open hasnow been changed; however, the fo~owing pointsshould be checked:a. Make sure both doors are on stiaightb. Make sure that there is no space between thedoor gaskets and the refrigerator unit itse~ whenthe doors are closed.c. Make sure that the gasket on the hinged sideis not caught betieen the door and the unitwhen the door is opened or closed. @the door isforced closed when the gasket is caugh$ thegasket may be damaged.)men checking the above points, if it isdiscovered that the doors are not instiledproperly (this is apt to happen at the first try),loosen the screws holding the upper and middlehinges, straighten the doors and tighten thescrews slowly with the socket wrench. Aftermaking sure that the doors are instiledcorrectiy, tighten dl the screws holding thehinges.Uthey are not tightened, the doors may stip outof position or there maybe an opening betweenthe doors and the unit.10