Light bulbreplacementIn Fresh Food Compartment1. Unplug refrigerator.2. To align the control knobproperly, note position ofnumbered control for properreassembly and pull off knob.3. Pull bottom of light panel downabout 1/4 "--just enough to disengagelip at rear from grooves in retainerson rear walto4. Lift panel to disengage top frompins on side walls; remove panel°After replacing with same sizebulb, reinstall panel (hang top onpins; pull bottom down, push itback and release it to let lip engagegrooves in retainers). Replacetemperature control knob in OFFposition, turn it to previous setting,and plug refrigerator back in.In Freezer Compartment1. Unplug refrigerator.2. Remove shelf just below lightshield. (Shelf will be easier toremove if it is emptied first.)3. Pull plastic light shield towardyou° (It will bend to free tabs fromgrooves°)After replacing with same size bulb,reinstall shield and shelf and plugrefrigerator back in_When you go onvacationFor extended vacations orabsences, shut off power torefrigerator, turn the numberedcontrol to OFF, clean interiorwith baking soda solution of onetablespoon of soda to one quart ofwater° Wipe dry_ To prevent odors,leave open box of soda in refrigerator,Leave doors open°For shorter vacations, removeperishable foods and leave controlsat regular settings, However, ifroom temperature is expected todrop below 60°E, follow sameinstructions as for extendedvacations_Move icemaker feeler arm to OFF(up) position and be sure to shut offwater supply to the refrigerator.When you moveDisconnect power cord from wal!outlet, remove all food and cleanand dry the interior,Secure all loose items such asgrille, shelves and storage pansby taping them securely in placeto prevent damage.Be sure iefrigerator stays in uprightposition during actual moving andin van. Refrigerator must be securedin van to prevent movement. Protectoutside of refrigerator with blanket.Water filteraccessoryThe perfect companion toyour automatic icemaker--a water filterYour ice cubes can onlybe as fresh-tasting as thewater that produces them_That's why it's a goodidea to purify your waterwith a water filter,Its activated charcoalremoves musty, staleodors and unpleasantmedicinal, metallictastes. A porous fibercartridge catches dirt,rust particles, sand andsilt while special crystalsreduce deposits of hardscale°The water filter is an option at extracost and is available from your GEdealer° Specify WR97X0214, It hascomplete installation instructionsand installs in minutes on 1/4" ODcopper water line.t4