....GEVVARR&\f~JTYSave prxxdof original purchase date such as your sales slip or cancell~d check to establish warranty period. g,,-+:.Ewu..For one year from date of originalpurchase, we will provide, free ofcharge, parts and service laborin your home to repair or replaceany part of the thatfails because of a manufacturingdefect.IFULLFor five years from date of originalpurchase, we will provide, free ofcharge, parts and service labor inyour home to repair or replace anypart of the sealedsystem (the compressor, condenser,evaporator and all connectingtubing) that fails because of amanufacturing defect.Forthe lifeof the refrigerator,we willreplace, free of charge, any tintecfpan or drawer madeffom Lexa@ resinand furnished with the refrigeratorif the pan or drawer breaks duringnormal household use. Drawercovers are not included. Thedrawers can be exchanged at aGE Appliance Parts Mart, FactoryService Center, or by writing !0the address below.This warranty is extended tothe original purchaser and anysucceeding owner for productspurchased for ordinary home usein the 48 mainland states, Hawaiiand Washington, IX. In Alaska thewarranty is the same except that it isLIMITED because you must pay toship the product to the service shop ~•àor for the service technician’s travelcosts to your home.All warranty service will be providedby our Factory Service Centers orby our authorized Customer Care@servicers during normal workinghours.Look in the White or Yellow Pagesof your telephone directory forGENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY,GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORYSERVICE,GENERALELE(3T31C-HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEorGENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMERCARE@SERVICE.KS ~ Service trips to your hometoteachyou howto usethe product.Read your useand carematerial.If you then have any questionsabout operating the product,please contact your dealer or ourConsumer Affairs office at theaddress below, or call, toll free:GEAnswerCente@800.626.2000consumerinformationservice@improper installation.If you have an installation problem,contact your dealer or installer.You are responsible for providingadequate electrical, plumbing andother connecting facilities.@Replacement of house fuses orresetting of circuit breakers.@Failure of the product if it is usedfor other than its intended purposeor used commercially.@Damage to product causedby accident, fire, floods or actsof God.~ Loss of food due to spoilage.WARRANTORISMXRESPONSIBL.EFORCONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitationor exclusionmay not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.To know what your legal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’sAttorney General.warRWMor: $3%2neml Ekctric CkMIIpanyM WWWler help is BWed&l! this EWMT%Wlty,write:~tiair$i?,~~ KY 40225—.— --— .-—-1, t“k