InstallationInstructions WSLS1100WasherWSLP1100 WSLM1100I ffyou have questions,call 800-GECARESor visit our Website at: IBEFORE YOU BEGINRead these instructions completely and carefully.• IMPORTANT - S ,,etheseinstructions tot local inspector's use.• IMPORTANT - Obse,,e,llgoverning codes and ordinances.• Note to Installer - Be sure to leave theseinstructions with tile Consumer.• Note to Consumer - Keep these instructionstot fllture reference.• Skill level - Installation of this appliance requiresbasic mechanical skills.• Completion time - 1 hour• Proper installation is tile responsibili V of tileinstaller.• Product failure due to improper installation is notcovered under the Warranty.• Note _ This appliance must be properlygrounded, and electrical setwice to the washer mustconli)rm with local codes and ordinances and tilelatest edition of the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.WASHER LOCATION_sher must be installed on firm flooring to minimizevibration during spin cycles. Concrete flooring is best,but wood base is sufficient providing floor sui)portmeets FHA standards. X4'asher should not be installedon tugs or exposed to the weather.Install or store where it will not be exposed totemperatm'es below fl'eezing or exposed to tileweather.ELECTRICALThis appliance must be supplied with tile voltage andfrequency indicated on tile rating plate (located ontile back of tile washer), and connected to anindividual, propedy gro/mded branch circuit, protectedbv a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker or time-delay fllse.If the washer is plugged into the (hTer's 115 w)lt outlet,then tile dryer needs to be on a dedicated circuit.PLUMBING• WATER PRF]SSURF]--Must be 10 p.s.i, minimum to150 p.s.i, maximum dynamic pressure measm'ed atfaucet.• WATER TEMPERATURE--Household waterheater should be set to deliver water at 120 ° to 150°F(50 ° to 66°C) IN THE _;__SHER when HOT wash isselected.SHUT-OFF VALVES--Both hot and cold shut-offwdves (faucets) should be supplied.DRAIN--Water may be drained into a standpipe orset tub. The discharge height MUST NOT BE LESSTHAN 30" nor more than 8' above tile base of tilewasheL Tile standpipe must be 1½" minimum insidediameter and must be open to tile atmosphere.RACK INSTALLATION• Ensure washer is centered between tile rack sides.PARTS SUPPLIED[_ Water Hoses (2)[21Drain t lose[_ Cable Tie[_ Rubber X_;ashers (4)TOOLS REQUIREDPliers9