Installation InstructionsBEFOREYOU BEGINRead these instructions completelg andcarefullg.• IMPORTANT- Save these instructions for localinspector's use.• IMPORTANT- Observe all governing codesand ordinances.• Note to Installer- Be sure to leave theseinstructions with the Consumen• Note to Consumer - Keepthese instructions forfuture reference.• Skill Level- Installation of this vent hood requiresbasic mechanical and electrical skills.• Completion time - i to 3 hours.• Proper installation is the responsibilitg of the installer.• Product failure due to improper installation is notcovered under the Warrantg.For Monogram local service in gour area, call1.800.444.1845.For Monogram service in Canada, call 1.888.880.3030.For Monogram Partsand Accessories,call1.800.626.2002.CAUTION:Due to the weight and size of these venthoods and to reduce the risk of personalin]ur U or damage to the product, TWO PEOPLEAREREQUIRED FOR PROPER INSTALLATION.ATTENTION'.A cause du poids et des dimensions duces hottes et pour rGduire les risques deblessures ou de dommages du produit, IL FAUTDEU× PERSONNES POUR FAIREUNE INSTALLATIONCORRECTE.WARNING:To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock,do not use this range hood with ang externalsolid-state speed control device. Ang such alterationfrom original factorg wiring could result in damage tothe unit and/or create an electrical safetg hazard,AVERTISSEMENT :Pour r_duire le risque d'incendie ou dechoc _lectrique, il ne faut pas utiliser cettehotte avec un rGgulateur de vitesse _lectroniqueexterne. Toute modification de ce tgpe du branchementd'usine peute endommager I'appareil ou crGer un risquede choc 61ectrique.TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, USE ONLY METALDUCTWORK.A,B,WARNING:ToREDUCETHERIsKOF FIRE,ELECTRICSHOCKOR INJURYTOPERSONS,OBSERVETHE FOLLOWING:Usethis unit onlg in the manner intended by themanufacturer. If you have questions,contact themanufacturer.Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off atservice panel and lock the service disconnecting meansto prevent power from being switched on accidentallU.When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked,securelUfasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag,to the service panel.AVERTISSEMENT:POURRI_DUIRELE RISQUED'INCENDIE,DECHOC ELECTRIOUEOU DEBLESSURESCORPORELLES,IL FAUTOBSERVERLESREGLESSUIVANTES:A. Utilisez cet appareil uniquement de la mani_re pr@uepar le fabricant. En cas de question,consultez le fabricant.B. Avant tout entretien, r@parationou nettogage, coupezI'alimentation @lectriqueau disjoncteur et verrouillez lepanneau du disjoncteur pour @iter la mise sous tensionaccidentelle. S'ilest impossible de verrouiller le panneaudu disjoncteur,attachez solidement une note de mise engarde tr_s visible,comme une @iquette,au panneau.CAUTION: ForGeneralVentilating UseOnlU.Do Not UseTo Exhaust Hazardous OrExplosiveMaterials And Vapors.ATTENTION : Utilisezuniquemenpouruneventilationg_n@rale.N'utilisezpaspour@acuerdesvapeursou desmat@iauxdangereuxouexplosifs.WARNING:ToREDUCETHERiSKOF FIRE,ELECTRICSHOCKOR INJURYTOPERSONS,OBSERVETHE FOLLOWING:A. Installation work and electrical wiring must be done bgqualified person(s)in accordance with all applicable codesand standards, including fire-rated construction.B. Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion andexhausting of gases through the flue (chimneg)of fuelburning equipment to prevent back drafting. Follow theheating equipment manufacturer's guideline and safetgstandards such as those published bg the National FireProtection Association (NFPA),and the American SocietUfor Heating, Refrigerationand Air Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE),and the local code authorities.C. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling,do not damageelectrical wiring and other hidden utilities.D. Ducted fans must alwags be vented to the outdoors.• Local codes varU. Installation of electrical connectionsand grounding must compl Uwith applicable codes. Inthe absence of local codes,the vent should be installedin accordance with National ElectricalCodeANSI/NFPA70-1990 or latest edition.2 PreviousNext |