ACCADEMIA 04 OPERATING LOGICGAGGIA Rev. 00 / March 2010 Page / 11Empty residual water tank signalFunction:The residual water level is monitored by a capacitivesensor. The sensor is located approximately half way upthe upper edge of the residual drip tray. To make the bestof the tray capacity, the sensor is positioned near a damGHYLFH,QWKLVZD\WKHUHVLGXDOZDWHUWUD\¿OOVXSWRWKHXSSHUHGJHDQGRYHUÀRZVLQVLGHDQGZKHQLWUHDFKHVWKHsensor, it triggers the "empty residual water tank" signal.Residual water tankLevel ofsensorinterventionTotalcapacitySensor4.12. Drip tray water level detection4.11 Water level detection in the tankWater absence signal (water reserve)Function:The water level is monitored by a capacitive sensor, located onethird up the water tank wall.If the electronic system detects that the water is below the relativelevel by means of the sensor, a water reserve of 200 pulses of theÀRZPHWHUUHPDLQVDYDLODEOHIRUWKHGLVSHQVLQJSURFHVVThe product dispensing process is then completed.If a dispensing process ends after the sensor has intervened (in thereserve), the "water absence" signal continues to be displayed asfrom the next dispensing process200 puls.SensorWater tank10