2G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O NITAENGFRAESPDEUCHSThis Manual reflects the machine's status at thetime of its provision: the manufacturer reservesthe right to update its contents with no obligationto update previous editions as well.1 . 4G R A P H I C A L C O N V E N T I O N SThe texts and descriptions of particular im-portance for the personnel's safety and for theproduct's proper use, including any improperconduct to be avoided and the relative obli-gations and prohibitions, are accompanied byspecific symbols.The graphical representations of the symbolsused in this document and their relative mean-ings are provided below.DANGERThe text refers to situationsof immediate dangerfor the operators andany exposed personsCautionThe text refers to situationsthat could be potentiallydangerous for the operatorsand any exposed persons.WarningThe text refers to warningsconcerning operations ofparticular importance for themachine's proper functionality.PROHIBITIONIndicates the prohibition toperform certain actions andprocedures; the failure to respecta prohibition could result indamage to the machine (evenirreparable), serious harmto the environment, and/ordangerous situations for thestaff and any exposed persons.NoteSupplementary informationand/or useful suggestionsfor the machine's properuse and functionality.Interventions that can beperformed by expert operators(Professional Baristas) assignedto the machine's use.Interventions that must beperformed exclusively by qualifiedand authorised personnel (installer,maintenance technician, etc.).Whenever necessary, certain parts of the textin the Manual are highlighted in bold in orderto draw attention to any particularly importantaspects.