Garmin Mobile ® XT for Smartphones Quick Start Manual NAVTEQ Traffic™ End-User License AgreementThe terms and conditions of the NAVTEQ Traffic end-user license agreement (as modified from time to time by NAVTEQ) are located to avoid the following potentially hazardoussituations could result in an accident or collision resulting indeath or serious injury.When installing your mobile phone in a vehicle, place theunit securely so it does not obstruct the driver’s view of theroad or interfere with vehicle operating controls, such as thesteering wheel, foot pedals, or transmission levers. Do notplace in front of or above any airbag. (See diagram.)When navigating, carefully compare information displayedon your mobile phone to all available navigation sources,including information from street signs, visual sightings,and maps. For safety, always resolve any discrepancies orquestions before continuing navigation and defer to postedroad signs.••Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Do not becomedistracted by your mobile phone while driving, andalways be fully aware of all driving conditions. Minimizethe amount of time spent viewing your mobile phone’s screenwhile driving and use voice prompts when possible. Do notinput destinations, change settings, or access any functionsrequiring prolonged use of your mobile phone’s controlswhile driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner beforeattempting such operations.The navigation software is designed to provide routesuggestions. It is not designed to replace the need for driverattentiveness regarding road closures or road conditions,traffic congestion, weather conditions, or other factors thatmay affect safety while driving.••Do not mountwhere driver’sfield of vision isblocked.Do not placeunsecured onthe vehicledashboard.Do not mount in frontof an airbag field ofdeployment.