32Section 2TERRAIN OperationFigure 2-1: Power-up SequenceFigure 2-2: TERRAIN PageSection 2: TERRAIN OperationPower UpDuring power-up of the 400/500 Series unit, the terrain/obstacle database versions are displayed alongwith a disclaimer (Figure 2-1). At the same time, the TERRAIN system self-test begins. A failure messageis issued if the test fails (see page 41).TERRAIN PageThe TERRAIN Page is in the NAV group of pages (see the 400/500 Series Pilot’s Guide for detailedinformation regarding page groups and pages). To display the TERRAIN Page, select the NAV group andturn the small right knob until the TERRAIN Page is displayed (Figure 2-2). The page displays terraininformation, aircraft ground track, and GPS-derived MSL altitude. Altitude is shown in increments of 20feet or in increments of 10 meters, depending on unit configuration. The ‘G’ to right of the MSL altitudedisplay reminds the pilot that altitude is GPS-derived.The TERRAIN Page has two selectable view settings:•360˚ View—View from above aircraft depicting surrounding terrain on all sides•120˚ View—View of terrain ahead of and 60˚ to either side of the aircraft flight pathNOTE: The TERRAIN Page gives a ‘Track Up’ display orientation, as indicated by the ‘TRK’label shown on the display. This is the only orientation available on this page.To display a 120˚ view:1. Select the TERRAIN Page and press MENU.2. Select ‘View 120˚?’.3. Press ENT. To switch back to a 360˚ view, repeat step 1, select ‘View 360˚?, and press ENT.