8 nüvi 610/660 Owner’s ManualM AIN PAGESUnderstanding the Turns Preview PageTouch the green text bar on the top of the Map page to open the Turns Preview page.This page displays all turns in the route and the distance between turns. Touch a turnon the list to view the Next Turn page for that turn. Touch Show Map to view theentire route on the map.Turns Preview PageDirection ofthe turnDistance tothe turnUnderstanding the Next Turn PageThe Next Turn page displays the upcoming turn on the map and the distance and timeremaining before you reach the turn. To view an upcoming turn on the map, touchTurn In on the Map page, or touch any turn from the Current Route page.Touch or to view other turns in the route. When you are finished viewingthe Next Turn page, touch Back.Upcoming turnDistance to this turnApproximate time left until this turnNext Turn Page