nüvi 700 Series Owner’s ManualaPPendixGarmin Travel GuideMuch like a paper travel guide, theGarmin Travel Guide provides detailedinformation about places, such asrestaurants and hotels. To purchase anaccessory, go to http://buy.garmin.comor contact your Garmin dealer.To use the Travel Guide, insert the SDcard into your nüvi. Touch Where to >extras. Touch the name of your TravelGuide to open it.SaversGuide ®With the SaversGuide preprogrammedSD data card and membership card,your nüvi is a digital coupon book. Topurchase an accessory, go to http://buy.garmin.com or contact your Garmindealer.To use the SaversGuide, insert the SDcard into your nüvi. Touch Where to >extras > Saversguide.Safety CamerasSafety camera information is available insome locations. Check http://my.garmin.com for availability. For these locations,the nüvi includes the locations ofhundreds of safety cameras. Your nüvialerts you when you are approachinga safety camera and can warn you ifyou are driving too fast. The data isupdated at least weekly, so you alwayshave access to the most up-to-dateinformation.You can purchase a new region or extendan existing subscription at any time.Each region that you purchase has itsown expiration date.CaUTion: Garmin is notresponsible for the accuracy of,or the consequences of using,a custom POI or safety cameradatabase.