3 Tighten the strap so it is snug around the dog's neck.NOTE: The collar should fit tightly and should not be able torotate or slide on the dog's neck. The dog must be able toswallow food and water normally. You should observe yourdog's behavior to verify that the collar is not too tight.4 If the strap is too long, cut off the excess, leaving at least3 inches (7.62 cm) to spare.Communication with the CollarThe handheld device and dog collar device use radio signals tocommunicate. Objects in the path of radio signals degrade thequality of the signals. Keeping an unobstructed line of sightbetween your handheld device and your dog’s dog collar deviceproduces the best communication signal. Obstructed radiowaves result in a poor signal. To achieve the best line-of-sightconditions, you should move to the highest elevation point inyour area (for example, on the top of a hill).BestGoodPoorCalibrating the CompassNOTE: You must calibrate the electronic compass outdoors. Donot stand near objects that influence magnetic fields, such ascars, buildings, or overhead power lines.The device has a 3-axis electronic compass. You shouldcalibrate the compass after moving long distances, experiencingtemperature changes, or changing the batteries.1 Select DOG > MENU.2 Select Calibrate Compass > Start.3 Follow the on-screen instructions.Garmin BaseCamp™ BaseStationTo get the most from your Garmin device, you can downloadBaseCamp software. Go to www.garmin.com/basecamp. Youcan view and organize your maps, waypoints, routes, and tracksand send them to your device. You can also use theBaseStation feature to view the location of your dogs on yourcomputer in real time.Tips• Turn on the dog collar device and allow it to acquire satellitesbefore you put the dog collar device on your dog.This allows the dog collar device to acquire satellite signalsmuch faster.• Bring extra AA batteries for your handheld device.• Use a fully charged dog collar device.A fully charged dog collar device operates for approximately26 hours when using five‑second interval reporting.• Use line-of-sight radio communication (Communication withthe Collar).• From the dog tracking page, select MENU > Small Numbersto reduce the text size.This allows you to view more dogs at one time on the dogtracking page.Device InformationVHF Radio InformationThis product may be used only on specific radio frequencies,which vary depending on the country of use. See the productpackaging or go to www.garmin.com/astro-legal for detailsregarding the radio frequency of this product.Replacing the VHF Antenna in the Dog Collar DeviceNOTICEDo not excessively bend the band that connects the maindevice case with the GPS antenna.When the cover is removed, do not disturb the sealant oppositethe VHF antenna, because this can damage the waterproof sealof the dog collar device.Before you replace the VHF antenna, you must remove all dirt,water, and debris from the device. Also, you need a smallPhillips screwdriver.1 Remove the 4 screws À from the cover over the VHFantenna.NOTE: You should note the location of the one short screwÁ.2 Pry off the cover.3 Remove the screw  securing the VHF antenna to the backplate.4 Pull the length of the antenna from the antenna guide toremove the old antenna.5 Loop the antenna guide around the collar strap, and threadthe new VHF antenna through the guide.This helps to point the antenna up.6 Replace the screw securing the VHF antenna to the backplate.7 Replace the cover over the VHF antenna.8 Replace the 4 screws on the cover, replacing the short screwin the correct location.4