Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualMain MenuGo To Marked LocationTo navigate to a location you have marked:Select Go To Marked Location > select the locationyou want from the list.View Sunrise/SunsetThe View Sunrise/Sunset page shows sunrise, sunset,moonrise, and moonset times before beginning a hunt.To view sun and moon locations for a specifiedtime, date, and location:1. Select View Sunrise/Sunset.2. To view the predictions for a different date and time,select either the Date or Time field to open the on-screen keypad.3. To view the predictions for a different location, selectthe Location field to open the New Location OptionsMenu.View Hunting AlmanacAn almanac of tables provides you with a listing ofpredicted best times for hunting and fishing for a chosendate and location.To show hunting and fishing predictions for aspecified date and location:1. Select View Hunting Almanac. The current date andlocation appear in the date and location fields at thetop of the page.2. To view the predictions for a different date, select Dateto open the on-screen keypad.3. To view the predictions for a location, select theLocation field to open the New Location OptionsMenu.4. Choose Use Map to select a point on the map usingthe pointer arrow. Press ENTER to show the table forthat location.