Garmin FORETREX 601 Owner's Manual
Also see for FORETREX 601: User manual
ODOMETER: A running tally of the distance traveled for all trips.This total does not clear when resetting the trip data.OFF COURSE: The distance to the left or right by which youhave strayed from the original path of travel. You must benavigating for this data to appear.OVER'L SPD: The average speed for the current activity,including both moving and stopped speeds.SPEED: The current rate of travel.STOP TIME: A running tally of the time spent not moving sincethe last reset.SUNRISE: The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.SUNSET: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.TEMPERATURE: The temperature of the air. Your bodytemperature affects the temperature sensor. Your devicemust be connected to a tempe sensor for this data to appear.TIME: The time of day based on your current location and timesettings (format, time zone, daylight saving time).TO COURSE: The direction in which you must move to get backon the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.TOTAL TIME: A running tally of the total time spent moving andnot moving since the last reset.TOT ASCENT: The total elevation distance ascended during theactivity or since the last reset.TOT DESCNT: The total elevation distance descended duringthe activity or since the last reset.TRIP ODOM: A running tally of the distance traveled since thelast reset.TURN: The angle of difference (in degrees) between the bearingto your destination and your current course. L means turnleft. R means turn right. You must be navigating for this datato appear.VERT SPEED: The rate of ascent or descent over time.VMG: The speed at which you are making progress into thewind.VSPD DEST: The rate of ascent or descent to a predeterminedaltitude. You must be navigating for this data to appear.Applied Ballistics Glossary of TermsNOTE: The Applied Ballistics feature is available only on theForetrex 701 device.Shooting Solution FieldsDOF: The direction of fire, with north at 0° and east at 90°. Inputfield.TIP: You can use the compass to set this value by pointingthe top of the device toward the direction of fire. The currentcompass value appears in the DOF field. You can selectENTER to use this value. You can manually enter a value byselecting or .NOTE: The DOF is used only for calculating the Corioliseffect. If shooting at a target less than 1,000 yards away, thisinput field is optional.ELEVATION: The vertical portion of the aiming solution,displayed in MIL (milliradian) or MOA (minute of angle).RNG: The distance to the target, displayed in YDS (yards) or M(meters). Input field.W 1/2: The wind speed 1, wind speed 2, and wind direction. Forexample, if the wind direction is 9 O'CLOCK, the wind isblowing left to right as viewed by the shooter. Input field.NOTE: The wind speed 2 field is optional. Using both windspeed 1 and wind speed 2 is not an effective way to accountfor different wind speeds at different distances between youand the target. Using these fields is a way to bracket the windvalues and calculate minimum and maximum windage valuesfor the solution.WINDAGE 1: The horizontal portion of the aiming solutionbased on the wind speed 1 and wind direction, displayed inMIL (milliradian) or MOA (minute of angle).WINDAGE 2: The horizontal portion of the aiming solutionbased on the wind speed 2 and wind direction, displayed inMIL (milliradian) or MOA (minute of angle).Additional Output FieldsAERO JUMP: The amount of the elevation solution attributed toaerodynamic jump. Aerodynamic jump is the verticaldeflection of the bullet due to a crosswind.COS INCL: The cosine of the inclination angle to target.DROP: The total drop the bullet experiences along its flight path.H COR EFFECT: The horizontal Coriolis effect. The horizontalCoriolis effect is the amount of the windage solutionattributed to the Coriolis effect. This is always calculated bythe device, though the impact may be minimal if not shootingat extended range.LEAD: The horizontal correction needed to hit a target movingleft or right at a given speed.TIP: When you enter the speed of your target, the devicefactors the necessary windage required into the total windagevalue on the Applied Ballistics page.MAX ORD: The maximum ordinance. The maximum ordinanceis the maximum height above the axis of the barrel that abullet will reach along its flight path.MAX ORD RNG: The range at which the bullet will reach itsmaximum ordinance.REM ENERGY: The remaining energy of the bullet at targetimpact, displayed in foot-pounds (ft. lbf) of force or joules.SPIN DRIFT: The amount of the windage solution attributed tothe spin drift (gyroscopic drift). For example, in the northernhemisphere, a bullet shot out of a right-hand twist barrel willalways deflect slightly to the right as it travels.TOF: The time of flight, which indicates the time required for abullet to reach its target at a given range.V COR EFFECT: The vertical Coriolis effect. The verticalCoriolis effect is the amount of the elevation solutionattributed to the Coriolis effect. This is always calculated bythe device, though the impact may be minimal if not shootingat extended range.VEL MACH: The estimated velocity of the bullet when it impactsthe target, displayed as a factor of mach speed.VELOCITY: The estimated velocity of the bullet when it impactsthe target.Environment FieldsAMB/STN PRESSURE: The ambient pressure (or stationpressure). Ambient pressure is not adjusted to represent sealevel (barometric) pressure. Ambient pressure is required forthe ballistics shooting solution. Input field.TIP: You can manually enter this value, or you can select theUSE CURRENT PRESSURE option to use the pressurevalue from the internal sensor in the device.HUMIDITY: The percentage of moisture in the air. Input field.LATITUDE: The horizontal location on the Earth's surface.Negative values are below the Equator. Positive values areabove the equator. This value is used to calculate the verticaland horizontal Coriolis drift. Input field.TIP: You can select the USE CURRENT POSITION option touse the GPS coordinates from your device.NOTE: The LATITUDE is used only for calculating theCoriolis effect. If shooting at a target less than 1,000 yardsaway, this input field is optional.TEMPERATURE: The temperature at your current location.Input field.10 Appendix |
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